
When I was student, I used some books from our faculty library. The "Polizu" Library of Electronic and Telecommunication Faculty, Bucharest (Romanian language).

The next references are usefull for the network management research topic.

Management of Telecomunication Networks

- CCITT: "Recommendation M.3010, Principles for a Telecommunications Management Network", Geneva 1992
- CCITT COM IV-42-E, Question 23/IV: "Draft Recommendation M.30-Version R1", November 1990
- CCITT COM IV-42-E, Question 23/IV: "Draft Recommendation M.30-Version R4", November 1991
- ITU-T Rec. X.701, "Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management Overview", 1992;
- ITU-T Rec. X.721, "Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Structure of Management Information: Definition of Management Information", 1992;
- ITU-T Rec. X.722, "Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Strucutre of Management Information: Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects (GDMO)", 1992;
- ITU-T Rec. X.710/711, "Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Common Management Information Service Definition and Protocol Specification (CMIS/P) Version 2, 1991;
- ITU-T Rec. Q.811/812, "Specifications of Signaling System No.7 - Q3 Interface - Lower and Upper Layer Protocol Profiles for Q3 Interface, 1993;
- ITU-T Rec. X.734/735, "Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management - Event Management and Log Control Functions", 1992;
- ITU-T Rec. X.730-750, "Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management Functions", 1994;
- ISO 10164-n/UIT-T X.7xy: Systems Management Functions, 1991
- ISO 10165-1/ITU X720: Management Information Model, 1993
- ISO 7498: "Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model", Geneva, 1984
- ISO 9595: "Information Processing Systems-Open Systems Interconnection-Common Management Information Service Definition", Geneva 1991
- Pras.A: "TMN-Introduction and Interpretation", TIOS 92-16, Memoranda Informatica 92-40, University of Twente, Netherlands, 1992
- Masahiko Matsushita: "Telecommunication Management Network", NTT Review, Vol.3, No.4, July 1991, page 117-122
- Roch Glitho, Stephen Hayes: "Telecommunication Management Network: Vision vs. Reality", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol.33, No.3 March 1995, page 47-52
- David J. Sidor: "Managing Telecommunications Networks Using TMN Interface Standards", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol.33, No.3 March 1995, page 54-60
- M. Rose, K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets", RFC1065, August 1988;
- J. Case, S. Waldbusser, K. McCloghrie, "Management Information Base for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1907, January 1996;
- J. Case, M. Fedor, M. Schoffstall, "A Simple Network Managenet Protocol (SNMP)", RFC1157, May 1990;
- M. MacFaden, J.Saperia, "Configuring Networks and Devices with SNMP", IETF Draft, May 2000;
- D.Harrington, R. Presuhn, B. Wijnen, "An Arhitecture for Describing SNMP Management Frameworks", RFC2571, May 1999;
- M. Waldbusser, J. McCloghrie, "Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1905, January 1996;
- R. Presuhn, J. Case, M. Rose, "Management Information Base for the Simple Network Management Protocol", IETF Draft, April 2000;
- U. Blumenthal, B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3)", RFC2574, April 1999;
- Burton S. Kaliski, "A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER and DER, RSA Data Security", White Paper, June 1991;
- Brian Tung, "ASN.1:Wherefore Art Thou?", Netware Collection, Feb. 1996, p.14-20;
- W. Stallings, "SNMP, SNMPv2 and CMIP, Reading", MA, Addison-Wesley, 1993;
- Ray Hunt, "SNMP, SNMPv2 and CMIP - the technologies for multivendor netowrk management", Computer Communications 20(1997), p.73-88;
- I. Banica, "Retele de comunicatii intre calculatoare", Teora, 1998
- Douglas E. Comer, "Internetworking with TCP/IP", Prentice Hall International, 1995
- Uyless Black, "Network Management Standards", McGraw-Hill, 1992
- I.Faynberg, L.R.Gabuzda, M.P.Kaplan si N.J.Shah, "The Intelligent Network Standards, their Application to Services", McGraw-Hill Ed., 1996;
- T. Magedanz si R. Popescu-Zeletin, "Intelligent Networks: Basic Technology, Standards and Evolution", International Computer Press Ed., 1996
- A.R.Modaressi si R.A. Skoog, "Signaling System No. 7: A Tutorial", IEEE Communication Magazine, Jul. 1990, pp.19-35;
- G. Pavlou si D. Griffin, "An Evolutionary Approach towards the Future of IN and TMN", ICN Special Issue on Telecommunication Services, Baltzer Science Publisher, Jan. 1998.
- "Managing the Entrprise-Fault and Performance Analysis of Heterogeneous Computer Networks using Eye of the Storm", White Paper, Prosum Ltd. 1998;
- J.P. Hubaux, C. Gbauidi, S. Koppenhoefer, "The Impact of the Internet on Telecommunication Architectures", Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Special Issue on Internet Telephony, Oct. 1998
- Simon Znaty, "La qualié de service d'un multi-réseau: du modèle à sa mise en oeuvre", Ph.D Thease, ENST-Paris, 1993
- N. Simoni, S. Znaty, "QoS From Definition to Management", 4th IFIP Conference on High Performance Networking, Elsiver Publisher, 1993
- S. Arsenis, N. Simoni, S. Znaty, "Distributed System Management treatment: Toward the self-management", Globecom'96, London UK, Noiembrie 1996

Modeling Techniques for Networks Management

- Dr. Covaci Ion, "OO Models for TMN", TUE-Berlin, 1998;
- German Goldszmidt, Yechiam Yemini,"Distributed Management by Delegation", 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing Science, June 1995;
- A.Ben Artzi, A, Chadna, U. Warrier," Netwok Management of TCP/IP Networks: Present and Future", IEEE Network Magazine, July 1990;
- Doug Riecken,"Intelligent Agents", McGraw-Hill, 1997
- Yochiam Yemini,"The OSI Network Management Model", IEEE Communications Magazine, May 1993;
- John L. Hennesy, David A. Patterson,"Computer Organization and Design The Hardware / Software Interface", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,1994;
- McCohen," CORBA - Management Network", IEEE Communications, Vol.32, No.8, August 1994;
- "OMNIPoint Integration Architecture, issue 1.0", Network Management Forum, Technical Report 114, November 1994;
- "HP OpenView - Directions", Openview Software Division, White Paper, 1998;
- C. A. Licciardi, R. Minerva, C. Moiso, G. Spinelli, M. Spinolo, "TINA and the Internet: an Evaluation of some Scenarios", in: Proc. TINA '97;

Internet QoS management

- Braden R., Clark D., and S. Shenker, Integrated Services in Internet Architecture: An overview, Requests for Comments, RFC-1633.
- S. Blake, D. Black, M. Carlson, An Architecture for Differentiated Services, Request for Comments RFC-2475
- Zang L., Deering S., Estring D., Shenker S. and D. Zappala, RSVP: A New Resource ReSerVation Protocol, IEEE Network, September 1993.
- S. Shenker, C. Partrige, R.Guerin, Specification of Guaranteed Quality of Service, Requests for Comments, RFC-2212
- R. Braden, L. Zang, S. Berson, S. Herzog, S. Jamin, Resource Reservation Protocol-Version1 Functional Specification, Request for Comments, RFC-2205.
- S. Herzog, RSVP Extension for Policy Control, Request for Comments, Updates RFC 2205.
- R. Brade, L. Zang, Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) - Version 1 Message Processing Rules, Request for Comments, RFC 2209.
- J. Wroclawski, The use of RSVP with IETF Integrated services, Request for Comments, RFC 2210.
- J. Wroclawski, Specification of the Controlled-Load network element service, Request for Comments, RFC 2211.
- S. Shenker, C. Partrige, R. Guerin, Specification of Guaranteed Quality of Service, Request for Comments RFC 2212.
- F. Baker, J. Kawczyk, A. Sastry, Integrated Services Management Information Base using SMIv2, Request for Comments RFC 2213.
- S. Shenker, J. Wroclawski, General characterization Parameters for Integrated Service Network Elements, Request for Comments RFC 2215.
- S. Shenker, J. Wroclawski, Network element service specification template, Request for Comments RFC 2216
- S. Herzog, RSVP Extensions for Policy Control, Draft "draft-ietf-rap-rsvp-ext-06.txt"
- R. Yavatkar, D. Pendarakis, R. Guerin, A Framework for Policy-based Admission Control, Draft "draft-ietf-rap-framework-03.txt"
- S. Gai, J. Strassner, D. Durham, S. Herzog, QoS Policy Framework Architecture, Draft "draft-sgai-policy-framework-00.txt"
- J. Boyle, R. Cohen, S. Herzog, R. Rajan, The COPS (Common Open Policy Service) Protocol, Draft "draft-ietf-rap-cops-07.txt"
- S. Herzog; Signaled Preemption Priority Policy Element, Draft "draft-ietf-rap-signaled-priority-04.txt".
- J. Boyle, R. Cohen, D. Durham, S. Herzoh, Raju Rajan, COPS usage for RSVP, Draft "draft-ietf-rap-cops-rsvp-05.txt"
- S. Herzog, Kwok Ho Chan, D. Durham, R. Yavatkar, COPS usage for Policy Provisioning, Draft "draft-ietf-rap-pr-00.txt"
- F. Reichmeyer, R. Yavatkar, S. Herzog, COPS Usage for Differentiated Services, Draft "draft-ietf-rap-cops-ds-01.txt"
- A.Smith, D. Partain, J. Seligson, Definitions of Managed Objects for Common Open Policy Service (COPS) Protocol Clients, Draft "draft-ietf-rap-cops-client-mib-01.txt"
- E. Rosen, A. Viswanathan, Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture, Draft "draft-ietf-mpls-arch-06.txt"
- R. Callon, N.Freedman, A. Fredette,"A Framework for Multiprotocol Label Switching",Draft "draft-ietf-mpls-framework-03.txt"
- Network-based IP VPNs - The Role of MPLS, Ennovate Networks,
- C. Semeria, Multiprotocol Label Switching: Enhancing Routing in the New Public Network, March 17, 1999, Juniper Networks
- M. Stevens, M.Mahon, B. Moore, Policy Framework, Draft "draft-ietf-policy-framework-00.txt"
- B.Moore, E. Ellesson, J. Strassner, Policy Framework Core Information Model, Draft "draft-ietf-policy-core-info-model-02.txt"
- Y. Snir, Y. Ramberg, J. Strassner, QoS Policy Framework Information Model and Schema, Draft "draft-snir-policy-QoS-infomodel-00.txt"
- Y. Snir, Y. Ramberg, J. Strassner, QoS Policy Framework Information Model, Draft "draft-snir-qos-policy-schema-01.txt"
- W. Weiss, J. Strassner, A. Westerinen, Terminology for describing network policy and services, Draft "draft-weiss-policy-device-qos-model-00.txt"
- J. Strassner, Ed. Ellesson, Terminology for describing network policy and services, Draft "draft-ietf-policy-terms-00.txt"
- H. Mahon, Y. Bernet, S. Herzog, Requirements for a Policy Management System, Draft "draft-ietf-policy-req-01.txt"
- Y. Bernet, R. Yavatkar, F. Baker, L. Zhang, A Framework for Integrated Services Operation Over Diffserv Networks, Draft "draft-ietf-issll-diffserv-rsvp-03.txt"


Last modified 7 March 2001