Then dowload MiMaze, unzip it and run setup.exe !
Two environment variables will be added : MIMAZE_PATH and TCL_LIBRARY
MIMAZE_PATH contains the path from the directory where MiMaze.exe is
installed to the directory
where mimazerc file is located.
TCL_LIBRARY contains the path to the directory where the init.tcl
file is located
Ex : C:\Program Files\Itcl2.2\Lib\Itcl\Tcl7.6
To run MiMaze for Windows, run MiMaze.exe, and connect to a server (ex :
Windows NT4 and a hardware graphics acceleration are
recommended. Cards based on 3DLabs Permedia 2 chipset
(e.g. FireGL1000
pro) seem to be very performant !
To install MiMaze3D for Windows, you need to install first MiMaze for Window as it is explained in the previous section.
Then :
1/ Dowload the last version of Netscape Communicator (4.x)
2/ Download the last version of CosmoPlayer (2.x)
3/ Download Microsoft Active movie (for the video texture rendering)
4/ Download MiMaze3D, unzip it and reboot ;-) !
To run MiMaze3D for Windows, run MiMaze.exe, and connect to a server (ex :
Then open MimazeVRMLtex.html or MimazeVRML.html
(with or without texture) wait for
loading and click
on the "Press Here to
Start" button. This will connect the Java applet to the MiMaze
application using sockets so you
get a Java Security message ! Just Grant it and enjoy MiMaze3D
BUG ! :
MiMaze3D is an experimental 3D extension of MiMaze using
VRML & Java.
To move your avatar in
2D or 3D, you need to SELECT THE FRONT VIEW of
the MiMaze application. This window captures all the key
events in the game.
So, if you change
the view point using the Java applet or the VRML Browser, do not
forget to click on the front view window again
to be able to move in the Maze !
That's all folks !