
Efficient Debris-flow Simulation for Steep Terrain Erosion
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Efficient Debris-flow Simulation for Steep Terrain Erosion

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Conference Proceedings), Volume 43, Number 4 - July 2024
Download the publication : 2024_Siggraph_Debris_Flow_Author_Version.pdf [6.7Mo]  
Erosion simulation is a common approach used for generating and authoring mountainous terrains. While water is considered the primary erosion factor, its simulation fails to capture steep slopes near the ridges. In these low-drainage areas, erosion is often approximated with slope-reducing erosion, which yields unrealistically uniform slopes. However, geomorphology observed that another process dominates the low-drainage areas: erosion by debris flow, which is a mixture of mud and rocks triggered by strong climatic events. We propose a new method to capture the interactions between debris flow and fluvial erosion thanks to a new mathematical formulation for debris flow erosion derived from geomorphology and a unified GPU algorithm for erosion and deposition. In particular, we observe that sediment and debris deposition tend to intersect river paths, which motivates the design of a new, approximate flow routing algorithm on the GPU to estimate the water path out of these newly formed depressions. We demonstrate that debris flow carves distinct patterns in the form of erosive scars on steep slopes and cones of deposited debris competing with fluvial erosion downstream.

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See also

Acknowledgements and Funding

This project was sponsored by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche project Invterra ANR-22-CE33-0012-01 and research and software donations from Adobe Inc. This project was also sponsored by USDA NIFA, Award #2023-68012-38992 grant "Promoting Economic Resilience and Sustainability of the Eastern U.S. Forests" to Benes. This work is based upon efforts supported by the EFFICACI grant, #NR233A750004G044, under USDA NRCS to Benes. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government or NRCS. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes, notwithstanding any copyright annotation therein.

BibTex references

  author       = "Jain, Aryamaan and Benes, Bedrich and Cordonnier, Guillaume",
  title        = "Efficient Debris-flow Simulation for Steep Terrain Erosion",
  journal      = "ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Conference Proceedings)",
  number       = "4",
  volume       = "43",
  month        = "July",
  year         = "2024",
  url          = ""

Other publications in the database

» Aryamaan Jain
» Bedrich Benes
» Guillaume Cordonnier