Participants and their respective role
REVES is a research group working on rendering and virtual environments with sound at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis. George Drettakis and Nicolas Tsingos will participate in the design of the application scenarios and will supervise an intern on interactive rendering of different archeological hypotheses. REVES will also participate in the developments concerning virtual reality for the workbench at Sophia-Antipolis but also for the RealityCenter platforms either in Grenoble or CSTB-Sophia-Antipolis.
iMAGIS is a research group at INRIA Rhône-Alpes. Joëlle Thollot and Jean-Dominique Gascuel will be working on the problems of rendering and modelling for the population of virtual cities. Two MSc students are currently working on these topics.
The Foundation of the Hellenic World is a privately-own, non-profit cultural centre. Its mission is the preservation and the dissemination of the history of hellenic cultulre using modern technology. FHW employs 180 people, including archeologists, museologists, computer scientists, graphic designers, modelers and animators, as well as VR developers. The foundation has set up a CAVE-like VR system called "Kivotos" and a workbench (ImmersaDesk) system "Magic Screen", both open to the public on a daily basis. Maria Roussou is the head of the VR department and will participate in the defintion of the VR application scenarios and the modes of interaction which will be used.
ERGA is a research groups of the Stendhal and Pierre Mendès France Univerisities in Grenoble. Françoise Létoublon and Isabelle Ratinaud are currently working ont the project of reconstruction of Argos in their capacity as historians. They will help with data provision and will ensure historical coherence of the reconstruction.
ARIA is a laboratory of the Ecole d?architecture de Lyon and is part
of UMR 694 MAP. Xavier Marsault and Renato Saleri work on automatic
city generation and will work on the population of inhabited parts of the
Argos site. Their experience as architects will be central to the project.