Rim Romdhane
E-mail: Rim.Romdhane@inria.fr
Borrel 008
Phone: (+33)
Cognitive Vision: video understanding, event recognition, behaviour analysis, activity monitoring
Artificial Intelligence: spatio-temporal reasoning, activity modelling, uncertainty handling,
Health care Monitoring: video event recognition for elderly and Alzheimer monitoring
R Romdhane, E Mulin, A Derreumeaux, N Zouba, J Piano, L Lee, I Leroi, P Mallea, R David, M Thonnat, F Bremond and P H Robert. Automatic Video Monitoring system for assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease symptoms. , AVSS 2013 , The journal of nutrition, health and aging 2012, (JNHA’ 2012), 16(3): pp 213-219.
E Mulin,V Joumier, I Leroi, J H Lee, J Piano, N Bordone, A Derreumeaux, P Mallea, P Brocker, A Dechamps, R Romdhane, M Thonnat, F Bremond, R David and P H Robert. Functional dementia assessment using a video monitoring system: Proof of concept. , AVSS 2013 , Gerontechnology, International journal on the fundamental aspects of technology to serve the aging society, 2012; 10(4): pp 244-247 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4017/gt.2012.
Rim Romdhane, Carlos fernando Crispim junior, Francois Bremond and Monique Thonnat, Activity Recognition and Uncertain Knowledge in Video Scenes. , AVSS 2013 , the 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance. 27 August - 30 August, Krakow, Poland.
C-J Crispim, V Bathrinayanan, B Fosty, R Romdhane, A Konig, M Thonnat and F Bremond, Evaluation of a Monitoring System for Event Recognition of Older People. , AVSS 2013 , the 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance. 27 August - 30 August, Krakow, Poland.
V Joumier, E Mulin, J H Lee, J Piano, A Derreumaux, R David, P Mallea, A Dechamps, P H Robert, R Romdhane, M Thonnat and F Bremond, Measurement instrument for assessing functional abilities of elderly people with and without dementia using a video monitoring system. , AVSS 2013, rd 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering(ICBBE). mai 2012, pp 1-4 Shanghai (China).
Rim Romdhane, Bernard Boulay, Francois Bremond, Monique Thonnat, Probabilistic Recognition of Complex Event, ICVS 2011, rd 8th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems. 20 - 22 September 2011, Sophia Antipolis , France.
Rim Romdhane, Francois Bremond, Monique Thonnat, A framework daeling with uncertainty for Complex Event Recognition, AVSS'10, rd the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance. 29 August - 02 September, Boston, USA.
Rim Romdhane, Francois Bremond, Monique Thonnat, Handling Uncertainty for Video Event Recognition, ICDP-09 3rd International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention. 3rd December 2009 (0900-1700), Kingston University, London, UK.