class intRVec : public intVec


Public Methods

intRVec(const intVec&v)
intRVec(int l)
intRVec(int l, int fill_value)
int& operator [] (int n)
int viable_range(const int n)

Protected Methods

void grow(const int n)

Inherited from intVec:

Public Methods

void apply(intProcedure f)
intVec at(int from = 0, int n = -1)
int capacity()
friend intVec combine(intCombiner f, intVec & a, intVec & b)
friend intVec concat(intVec & a, intVec & b)
int& elem(int n)
void error(const char* msg)
void fill(int val, int from = 0, int n = -1)
int index(int targ)
friend intVec map(intMapper f, intVec & a)
friend intVec merge(intVec & a, intVec & b, intComparator f)
friend int operator != (intVec& a, intVec& b)
intVec& operator = (const intVec & a)
friend int operator == (intVec& a, intVec& b)
void range_error()
int reduce(intCombiner f, int base)
void resize(int newlen)
void reverse()
friend intVec reverse(intVec & a)
void sort(intComparator f)

Protected Fields

int len
int* s


void grow(const int n)


intRVec(int l)

intRVec(int l, int fill_value)

intRVec(const intVec&v)


int& operator [] (int n)

int viable_range(const int n)

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling