class <Topology/Star> Star : public Topology

Star -- Complete graph with (nn-1) receivers and 1 sender at a distance 'Delay_' from each receiver


Public Methods

double backoff(int dst)
inline int c()
double delay(int src, int dst)
void flood(int, int)
Interface_List* oif(int node, int iif)
Star(int n, int src)

Protected Fields

double alpha_
double beta_
int c_
int src_

Inherited from Topology:

Public Methods

int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
inline double D()
inline int idx()
SrmNode* node(int nn)
int rtt_estimated()

Protected Fields

double D_
double delay_
double det_
double frac_
int idx_
SrmNode* node_
double rand_
int rtt_est_


Star -- Complete graph with (nn-1) receivers and 1 sender at a distance 'Delay_' from each receiver
Star(int n, int src)

void flood(int, int)

Interface_List* oif(int node, int iif)

double backoff(int dst)

inline int c()

double delay(int src, int dst)

int src_

int c_

double alpha_

double beta_

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling