class <Agent/MFTP/Snd> MFTPSndAgent : public MFTPAgent


Public Fields

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar dst_addr_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar dtuSize_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar dtusPerBlock_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar dtusPerGroup_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar fileSize_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar interval_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar nakCount_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar node_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar ns_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar readAheadBufsize_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar reply_addr_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar reply_port_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar rspBackoffWindow_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar seekCount_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar trace_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar tx_status_requests_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar txStatusDelay_
Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar txStatusLimit_

Public Methods

int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc delete {}
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc done {}
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc evTrace { op type args }
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc init {}
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc pass-finished { CurrentPass NbBlocks }
void recv(Packet* p, Handler* h)
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc recv { type args }
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc recv-nak { passNb block_nb nak_count}
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc send { type args }
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc send-data { }
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc send-notify { args }
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc send-status-req { CurrentPass blockLo blockHi rspBackoffWindow }
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc start {}
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc status-rsp-pending { CurrentPass blockLo blockHi }
Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc trace fd
virtual ~MFTPSndAgent()

Protected Fields

unsigned long CurrentGroup
current group number within pass
unsigned long CurrentPass
current pass number
used for erasure correction
unsigned long fseek_offset
offset of next file read/write
Codeword iterator
the read_ahead_buffer for iteration through sequence of codewords
unsigned long MinGroupNbInBuf
indicates lowest group number that is
int nakCount_
unsigned char* naks
note: the following variables are not accessible within a tcl-script: NAK bitmap, 0=>ACK, 1=>NAK
unsigned long NbGroupsInBuf
currently cached in the read_ahead_buffer number of groups currently stored in
unsigned long read_ahead_bufsize
number of bytes read_ahead_buf consists of
int readAheadBufsize_
note: the following variables are r/w from within a tcl-script: this value is copied upon start of the sender protocol
unsigned char* retx
Retransmit bitmap, 0=>Not retx'd, 1=>retx'd
double txStatusDelay_

Protected Methods

void fill_read_ahead_buf()
reads next couple of groups from disk into main memory
void init_user_file(unsigned long readAheadBufsize)
void process_nak(hdr_mftp::Spec::Nak& nak, unsigned char* nak_bitmap, unsigned long currentPass)
processes incoming NAK
int send_data()
sends next data packet
void send_status_request(unsigned long pass_nb, unsigned long block_lo, unsigned long block_hi, double txStatusDelay)

Inherited from MFTPAgent:

Protected Fields

unsigned long dtu_size
unsigned long dtus_per_block
unsigned long dtus_per_group
unsigned long FileDGrams
unsigned long FileSize
unsigned long nb_groups
int off_cmn_
int off_mftp_

Protected Methods

unsigned long get_dtus_per_group(unsigned long group_nb)
unsigned long nb_blocks()

Inherited from Agent:

Public Fields

Agent instvar agent_port_
Agent instvar dst_port_
Agent instvar namTrace_
Agent instvar tg_

Public Methods

inline nsaddr_t& addr()
Agent instproc attach-app {s_type}
Agent instproc attach-source {s_type}
Agent instproc attach-tbf { tbf }
Agent instproc attach-trace { file }
virtual void attachApp(Application* app)
virtual void close()
Agent instproc connect d
virtual void connect(nsaddr_t dst)
inline nsaddr_t& daddr()
inline nsaddr_t& dport()
Agent instproc dst-port {}
virtual void listen()
Agent instproc port {}
inline nsaddr_t& port()
virtual void sendmsg(int nbytes, const char *flags = 0)
virtual void sendmsg(int sz, AppData*, const char* flags = 0)
virtual void sendto(int sz, AppData*, const char* flags = 0)
virtual void sendto(int nbytes, const char* flags, nsaddr_t dst)
Agent instproc set args
void set_pkttype(packet_t pkttype)
virtual int& size()
virtual void timeout(int tno)
Agent instproc traffic-source agent

Protected Fields

Application* app_
Tcl_Channel channel_
int class_
int defttl_
ns_addr_t dst_
int fid_
int flags_
ns_addr_t here_
int off_ip_
OldValue* oldValueList_
int prio_
int seqno_
int size_
char* traceName_
packet_t type_
static int uidcnt_

Protected Methods

void addAgentTrace(const char *name)
Packet* allocpkt(int)
Packet* allocpkt()
virtual int delay_bind_dispatch(const char *varName, const char *localName, TclObject *tracer)
virtual void delay_bind_init_all()
void deleteAgentTrace()
void dumpTracedVars()
virtual void idle()
void initpkt(Packet*)
void insertOldValue(TracedVar *v, const char *value)
OldValue* lookupOldValue(TracedVar *v)
void monitorAgentTrace()
virtual void recvBytes(int bytes)

Private Methods

void flushAVar(TracedVar *v)

Inherited from Connector:

Public Methods

virtual void drop(Packet* p)
inline NsObject* target()

Protected Fields

NsObject* drop_
NsObject* target_

Protected Methods

virtual void drop(Packet* p, const char *s)

Inherited from NsObject:

Public Methods

virtual void debug(const char *fmt, ...)
int isdebug()

Protected Fields

int debug_
int off_flags_

Protected Methods

void handle(Event*)
virtual void reset()

Inherited from Handler:



virtual ~MFTPSndAgent()

int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)

void recv(Packet* p, Handler* h)

void fill_read_ahead_buf()
reads next couple of groups from disk into main memory

void init_user_file(unsigned long readAheadBufsize)

int send_data()
sends next data packet

void send_status_request(unsigned long pass_nb, unsigned long block_lo, unsigned long block_hi, double txStatusDelay)

void process_nak(hdr_mftp::Spec::Nak& nak, unsigned char* nak_bitmap, unsigned long currentPass)
processes incoming NAK

int readAheadBufsize_
note: the following variables are r/w from within a tcl-script: this value is copied upon start of the sender protocol

double txStatusDelay_

int nakCount_

unsigned char* naks
note: the following variables are not accessible within a tcl-script: NAK bitmap, 0=>ACK, 1=>NAK

unsigned char* retx
Retransmit bitmap, 0=>Not retx'd, 1=>retx'd

unsigned long fseek_offset
offset of next file read/write

unsigned long read_ahead_bufsize
number of bytes read_ahead_buf consists of

unsigned long CurrentPass
current pass number

unsigned long CurrentGroup
current group number within pass

used for erasure correction

unsigned long MinGroupNbInBuf
indicates lowest group number that is

unsigned long NbGroupsInBuf
currently cached in the read_ahead_buffer number of groups currently stored in

Codeword iterator
the read_ahead_buffer for iteration through sequence of codewords

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc init {}

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar ns_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar dtuSize_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar dtusPerBlock_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar dtusPerGroup_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar fileSize_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar reply_addr_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar reply_port_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar readAheadBufsize_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar interval_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar txStatusLimit_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar txStatusDelay_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar rspBackoffWindow_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar nakCount_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar seekCount_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc send-data { }
send-data does not get logged here. Rather, we get a callback-call "send-notify" from the C++ function se_data

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc start {}

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar node_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar dst_addr_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc pass-finished { CurrentPass NbBlocks }

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar tx_status_requests_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc send-status-req { CurrentPass blockLo blockHi rspBackoffWindow }
send-status-req is called at end-of-pass, but only after the dtusPerGroup-th pass.

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc status-rsp-pending { CurrentPass blockLo blockHi }
status-rsp-pending is called after the status-request packet is sent and if the status-rsp-pending-timer expires.

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc recv { type args }

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc send { type args }

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc send-notify { args }
we get here whenever the sender sends a new data packet (callback from send_data)

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc recv-nak { passNb block_nb nak_count}

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc done {}

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc trace fd

Agent/MFTP/Snd instvar trace_

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc delete {}

Agent/MFTP/Snd instproc evTrace { op type args }

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

this page has been generated automatically by doc++

Adapted for the NS documentation page

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling