class List

Public Methods

void Append(void *item)
Put item at the end of the List
int IsEmpty()
on the List Is the List empty?
void* IsPresent(void *key, CompareFunction eq)
Is key there in set
Initialize the List
void Mapcar(VoidFunctionPtr func)
Apply "func" to every element
float MinKey()
sortKey of item at front
void Prepend(void *item)
Put item at the beginning of the List
void Purge(void *key, CompareFunction eq, VoidFunctionPtr destroy)
void* Remove()
Take item off the front of the List
int SetInsert(void *key, CompareFunction eq)
Routines to put/get items on/off a Set Put key into set
void* SetRemove(void *key, CompareFunction eq)
Remove key from set
int Size()
Return the number of elements
void SortedInsert(void *item, float sortKey)
Routines to put/get items on/off List in order (sorted by key) Put item into List
void* SortedRemove(float *keyPtr)
Remove first item from List
Deallocate the List

Private Fields

ListElement* first
Head of the List, NULL if List is empty
ListElement* last
Last element of List
int size
Number of elements in the List


Initialize the List

Deallocate the List

void Prepend(void *item)
Put item at the beginning of the List

void Append(void *item)
Put item at the end of the List

void* Remove()
Take item off the front of the List

void Mapcar(VoidFunctionPtr func)
Apply "func" to every element

int IsEmpty()
on the List Is the List empty?

int Size()
Return the number of elements

void SortedInsert(void *item, float sortKey)
Routines to put/get items on/off List in order (sorted by key) Put item into List

void* SortedRemove(float *keyPtr)
Remove first item from List

float MinKey()
sortKey of item at front

int SetInsert(void *key, CompareFunction eq)
Routines to put/get items on/off a Set Put key into set

void* SetRemove(void *key, CompareFunction eq)
Remove key from set

void* IsPresent(void *key, CompareFunction eq)
Is key there in set

void Purge(void *key, CompareFunction eq, VoidFunctionPtr destroy)

ListElement* first
Head of the List, NULL if List is empty

ListElement* last
Last element of List

int size
Number of elements in the List

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling