class Acker


Public Methods

virtual void append_ack(hdr_cmn*, hdr_tcp*, int oldSeqno)
int ecn_unacked()
inline int Maxseen()
void reset()
inline int Seqno()
double ts_to_echo()
int update(int seqno, int numBytes)
void update_ecn_unacked(int value)
void update_ts(int seqno, double ts)
virtual ~Acker()

Protected Fields

int ecn_unacked_
ECN forwarded to sender, but not yet acknowledged
int is_dup_
A duplicate packet.
int maxseen_
max packet number seen
int next_
next packet expected
int seen_[MWS]
array of packets seen
double ts_to_echo_
timestamp to echo to peer



virtual ~Acker()

void update_ts(int seqno, double ts)

int update(int seqno, int numBytes)

void update_ecn_unacked(int value)

inline int Seqno()

virtual void append_ack(hdr_cmn*, hdr_tcp*, int oldSeqno)

void reset()

double ts_to_echo()

int ecn_unacked()

inline int Maxseen()

int next_
next packet expected

int maxseen_
max packet number seen

int ecn_unacked_
ECN forwarded to sender, but not yet acknowledged.

int seen_[MWS]
array of packets seen

double ts_to_echo_
timestamp to echo to peer

int is_dup_
A duplicate packet.

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling