Internship at Inria for international students


(stages d'avril à septembre 2006) / (Internships between April and September 2006)


Votre courriel/e-mail of the proposer : françois.bremond@sophia.inria.fr

Nom du projet/Research team name : ORION

Unité de recherche/Research Unit : Sophia-Antipolis

Thème INRIA/Research theme : CogC

Nom et prénom du chef de projet/Research team leader name : Monique Thonnat

Encadrant du stage/Intern tutor : François Bremond

Titre du sujet du stage/Topic of the Internship:
Gesture recognition for human behaviour understanding

Type de stage/Intern level : Mastère-Master's thesis

Durée minimum du stage (en mois)/Internship duration (months) : 6

Ce stage pourrait-il déboucher sur une thèse ou un post-doc ?/Possibility of a follow-up Ph.D or post-doc : oui-yes

Description du sujet du stage/Internship description :

ORION group works on automatic sequence video interpretation. The video interpretation platform, developped in ORION, detects mobile objects, tracks their trajectories and recognise some behaviours defined by the experts. This platform contains techniques for  the detection and recognition of human postures of one person.   There are scientific challenges: treatment of wrong and incomplete person segmentation, treatment of statique and dynamique occlusions, use of several cameras to handle ambiguities due to the person position.

A goal of this internship is to ameliorate posture detection and recognition techniques for using gesture  in behaviour understanding.

Préciser les pré-requis nécessaires pour ce stage/Prerequisites :
Computer vision,  image computing,   artificial intelligence ,  learning techniques

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