This paper proposes an approach to recognise human postures in videosequences, which combines a 2D approach with a 3D human model. The 3D model is a realistic articulated human model which is used to obtain reference postures to compare with test postures. Several 2D approaches using different silhouette representations are compared with each other: projections of moving pixels on the reference axis, Hu moments and skeletonisation. We are interested in a set of specific postures which are representative of typical video understanding applications. We describe results for recognition of general postures (e.g. standing) and detailed postures (e.g standing with one arm up) in ambiguous/optimal viewpoint with good/bad segmented silhouette to show the effectiveness of our approach.
Mots clé:
Human posture, 3D human model, Vision and image processing, Silhouette, Horizontal and vertical projections, Hu moments, Image skeletonisation
@INPROCEEDINGS{BOULAYPRL06, AUTHOR = {Boulay, B. and Bremond, F. and Thonnat, M. }, TITLE = {Applying 3D Human Model in a Posture Recognition System}, JOURNAL = {Pattern Recognition Letter, Special Issue on vision for Crime Detection and Prevention}, NUMBER = {15}, VOLUME = {27} MONTH = {November}, YEAR = {2006} PAGES = {1788-1796}
} --