Video-Data Knowledge Modelling & Discovery

LES AUTEURS J.L. Patino, H. Benhadda, E. Corvee, F. Bremond, M. Thonnat


Most video applications fail to capture in an efficient knowledge representation model interactions between subjects themselves and interactions between subjects and contextual objects of the observed scene. In this paper we propose a knowledge modelling format which allows efficient knowledge representation. Furthermore, we show how advanced algorithms of knowledge discovery can be applied following the proposed format.

Mots clé: Tracking, Information, Representation, Behaviour, Clustering.

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BibTeX reference:

@inproceedings{VIE 2007,
title     = {Video-Data modelling and Discovery},
author    = {J.L Patino, H. Benhadda, E. Corvee, F. Bremond and M. Thonnat},
booktitle = {International Conference on Visual Information Engineering 
VIE 2007},
month     = {25th -27th July },
year      = {2007},
address   = {London, UK}

Dernière mise à jour : 13/07/07