What can Program Supervision do for Program Reuse?

M. Thonnat and S. Moisan

I.N.R.I.A. - B.P. 93
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France


We are interested in knowledge-based techniques (called program supervision) for managing the reuse of a modular set of programs. The focus of this paper is to analyse which reuse problems program supervision techniques can solve. First, we propose a general definition for program supervision, a knowledge representation model, and a reasoning model. Then we analyse program supervision solution for reuse in terms of the structure of the programs to re-use and in terms of the effort for building a program supervision knowledge base. The paper concludes with what program supervision can do for program reuse from the points of view of the code developers, the experts, and the end-users.
Keywords: Program supervision, software reuse, knowledge-based system

1 Introduction

We are interested in knowledge-based techniques (called program supervision) for managing the reuse of a modular set of programs. The role of program supervision is to select programs in an existing library, to run the programs for particular input data and eventually to control the quality of their results. Various knowledge-based systems have been developed for this purpose, notably in the domains of image processing [1], [2] signal processing

3] and automatic control [4], [5]. For a more detailed review see [6] which is a general review, [7] for software re-use in software engineering and [8] for software re-use in signal processing and automatic control.

The focus of this paper is to analyse which reuse problems program supervision techniques can solve. This analysis is presented in terms of the structure of the programs to be reused and in terms of the effort for building a program supervision knowledge base. After this introduction, section 2 explains our analysis of the re-use difficulties and proposes a general definition of program supervision. Section 3 then presents a knowledge representation model for program supervision, and introduces the major notions of supervision operators and specialised criteria, while section 4 presents how this knowledge is used during the reasoning of a program supervision system. Section 5 details the conditions of use of program supervision techniques in the framework of this model. This paper concludes with what program supervision can do for program reuse from the points of view of the code developers, the experts, and the end-users.

  1. Reusing a Set of Programs
The use of existing libraries of programs has become a critical resource in many disciplines. Numerous programs have been developed in areas like signal or image processing and scientific computing. The programs have been written by specialists in a particular area and are intended to be applied by non-specialists in this area. Moreover new programs implement more and more complex functions and their use is more and more tricky. One drawback is that the non-specialist user must know how to choose programs depending on different purposes, how to run each program, and how to chain programs in the correct order to obtain a result. If it is too demanding for an end-user to understand the complexity of new programs, they will never be widely applied. When analysing the activity of re-using a number of complex programs for an applied purpose, independently of the problem of the application (i.e. the goal of the user and the semantics of the data), it appears that a lot of problems come from the processing itself. An end-user must make important efforts in order to have the data correctly processed, and to efficiently use the set of programs.

For an end-user faced with a set of data to process and a set of programs, applicable to the data, the first point is to understand what each program does, i.e. to build a model of them. Afterwards, since a single program is not usually sufficient to solve a complex processing request, the end-user must figure out which programs can be combined together and how. That means to know how to choose which program comes first, then which ones may follow, and so on to eventually build "program combinations" that achieve an application goal. Moreover, when multiple combinations are possible some combinations are preferred (for example depending on the adequacy of program features with respect to the data at hand). Then, to execute a chosen combination, the user has to actually run the programs, which implies knowing their precise calling syntax, together with their usual parameter values, the type of input they accept, and the type of output they produce (because the latter will become inputs for the following programs in a combination). Internal data-flow managing between programs may become very difficult to handle, e.g. if data are to be dispatched among different programs. Finally, if, at any point of execution, the current results are not satisfactory, the user must infer which previously executed program is faulty, if it can be re-run with new parameter values and how to compute the new values, or if it must be replaced by another program.

Every end-user could not have such a deep understanding of the program semantics and syntax. One possible solution to this problem is to use a tool that manages the processing complexity, in order to automate the easy reuse of the programs. Among different techniques for reuse, we propose program supervision techniques which aim at capturing the knowledge of program use in order to free the user from the processing details. The objective of program supervision is to facilitate the automation of an existing processing activity, independently of any application. This means to automate the planning and the control of execution of programs (e.g. existing in a library) to accomplish a processing objective, where each program computes one step of the processing. Using a program supervision system, a user's input request produces as output the executions of the appropriate programs with their resulting data as shown in figure 1.

More formally, we can define the program supervision process as follows:

Given as input:

it produces as output: We propose to mimic the strategy of an expert in the use of the programs by a knowledge-based system. A program supervision knowledge-based system, according to this formal definition, helps a non-specialist user apply the programs in different situations as shown in figure 2.

It is composed of a program supervision engine and a knowledge base. The role of the program supervision engine is to use knowledge for effective planning, execution and control of execution of the programs. The knowledge base contains the representations rpi and rcj of programs pi, combinations of programs cj, and a set of decision criteria crk. The contents of the representations rpi, rcj and of the criteria crk should be sufficient for the engine to select the programs, to initialise their parameters, to manage non trivial data-flow, and to combine the programs to produce a satisfactory plan ? depending on the input data, constraints, and request.

3 Program Supervision Knowledge Base Model

In this section we present the main characteristics of a program supervision knowledge base and we define the terms that will be used in the model. Since the model presented here is intended to be independent of any implementation, we have chosen general terms to name the common concepts involved in program supervision. This terminology is the result of an analysis of many existing program supervision systems that we have either developed [1][9][10][11] or closely studied [12] [13][14][15][16][17][18]. Even if each system has its own vocabulary, some terms (like operators) are widely used.

As program supervision is a general problem arising in various application domains, we are interested in providing both knowledge models and software tools which are independent of any particular application and of any library of programs. A program supervision model defines ways of describing programs for reuse, i.e. what structure reusable program descriptions must have and what issues play a role in the composition of a solution using the programs. It is thus a guideline that enables an expert to represent programs to be reused and a guideline on how to reuse them. A description therefore should not only describe a program but also the information that is needed to apply it in different situations.

In addition to an abstract model of program supervision, we have developed a knowledge description language (named YAKL) to encode domain-specific information. YAKL is a model-theoretic approach to knowledge modelling in program supervision and allows the knowledge engineer to encode domain-specific program supervision knowledge bases. YAKL descriptions can be checked for consistency, and eventually translated into operational code. Some examples of the program supervision concepts described below are given using the YAKL syntax.

Knowledge to perform program supervision may be categorised into knowledge about the application domain, the programs of a particular library -as well as the expertise domain (image processing for example)- or the problem solving strategy. Most of this knowledge is modelled in two major concepts, which are named supervision operators and specialised criteria. The following sub-sections will define those terms.

3.1 Supervision Operators

Supervision operators represent concrete programs (Primitive operators) or abstract processing (Complex operators). They mainly describe input and output arguments (data or parameters) and pre- and post-conditions that are tests which have to be checked before and after the execution of the operator.. Both kinds of operators also encapsulate various criteria crk (which may be represented by rule bases) in order e.g., to manage their input parameter values (initialisation criteria), to assess the correctness of their results (evaluation criteria on output data), and to react in case of bad results (repair criteria).

Primitive operators Referring to the formal definition of section 2, primitive operators are the rpi representations of real programs pi. The execution of a primitive operator corresponds to the execution of its associated program, provided that its execution conditions (i.e. preconditions) are true. That is why a primitive operator contains all the information needed for the effective execution of the program.

Complex operators are the rcj representations of higher level operations. They don't have attached programs but they break down into more and more concrete (complex or primitive) operators. They hence correspond to decompositions that are usually predefined by the expert in the knowledge base. The allowed types of decompositions are specialisation (or alternative), sequence, parallel, and iteration. In all cases the sub-operators in a decomposition may in turn be either primitives or complex ones. Since several operators can concretely realise one abstract functionality the specialisation decomposition type provides a way of grouping operators into semantic groups corresponding to the common functionality they achieve. This is a natural way of expression for many experts because it allows levels of abstraction above the level of specific operators. In a sequential decomposition some sub-operators may be optional. These decompositions -at different levels of abstraction- must end with primitive operators.

Below is an example of a primitive operator o_th. It performs a thresholding and has one input data (an image) and one numerical parameter (the threshold). Only the structural part is shown, criteria are detailed later. YAKL keywords are in bold face. Finally, the concrete syntax will be instantiated with the actual values of the input/output arguments for execution.

Primitive {

name : o_th

Functionality : thresholding

Argument descriptions

Input Data

Image name : in_image

comment : "original image"

Input Parameters

Float name : threshold

default : 1

Output Data

Image name : out_image

comment: "thresholded image"

I-O Relations:

out_image.path := in_image.path


3.2 Arguments

Arguments are attributes of supervision operators. There are three sorts of arguments: input data, input parameters, and output data. Data arguments have fixed values which are set for input data (e.g., an input image), or computed for output data. The output data arguments can be "assessed" during the reasoning by means of evaluation criteria. Parameter arguments are tuneable, i.e. their values can be set by means of initialisation criteria or modified by means of repair criteria.

3.3 Specialised Criteria

In program supervision different types of criteria are distinguished and their representations crk may be attached to supervision operators.

Common criteria

For each operator an expert may define three kinds of criteria. Criteria provide a program supervision system with flexible reasoning facilities.

Criteria of complex operators

For a complex operator an expert may define other specific criteria: Here is an example of a choice rule in YAKL language:
Choice criteria 
Rule name : r-choice
comment : "choose operator constr-with-filter if image is noisy"
Let c a Context
  c.noise  == present,
  size-filter > 0
  use-operator constr-with-filter
Such criteria increase the flexibility of the system.

3.4 Knowledge Base Concepts: Summary

Figure 3 summarises the main concepts of a program supervision knowledge base that have been presented in the previous sub-section and their relationships. It shows an abstract view of the concepts and their relations in the form of an UML (Unified Modelling Language [19]) class diagram. Most of the relations are ‘one to many’, e.g., one supervision operator is connected to many input data (in UML notation, * denotes 0 or more) and to 0 up to 3 common criteria (as presented in section 3.3): since no kind of criteria is compulsory, an operator may have no criteria at all. In the same way, a complex operator is connected by a composition relation (denoted by a diamond) to several (at least one) sub-operators. Not all the types of complex operators with respect to the type of their decomposition are represented in this simplified view (only sequence and specialisation types are because they are the most commonly used).

4. Program Supervision Reasoning

In this section we briefly present how we model the reasoning process for program supervision into several phases. A program supervision task is solved by a problem-solving method adapted to experts' reasoning processes and domain requirements.

4.1 Reasoning Phases

The reasoning of program supervision is implemented in the supervision engine. The role of the engine is to exploit knowledge about programs in order to produce a plan of programs that achieves the user's goal. It mimics the strategy of an expert in the use of programs. The final plan that produces satisfactory outputs is usually not straightforward, it often results from trial and error. The reasoning engine explores the different possibilities and computes the best one, with respect to expert criteria, available in the knowledge base.

The engine roughly automates a cycle of four reasoning phases to solve user problems (see figure 4), that can be completely or only partly automated.

According to the type of reasoning process to carry out, there may exist variants of the four phases of this general model, that can also be more or less interleaved. For instance the planning phase may be based on a Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) or may use Partial Order Planning (POP).

4.2 Role of Criteria

During the reasoning phases, the engine not only exploits the operator descriptions, but also exploits criteria crk that are described in the knowledge base. The specialised criteria play different roles and they are involved in different phases of the program supervision reasoning. For example, choice criteria between supervision operators are related to the planning phase, while initialisation criteria are related to the execution phase. The greater the knowledge base is in terms of criteria, the more flexible the related reasoning phase will be.
For example, let us see how the criteria take place in the specific reasoning phases of a particular program supervision engine, named Pegase. Figure 5 details the four phases of Pegase engine reasoning and the control between them. It shows where the criteria are used by the engine.

5 Reusing a Set of Programs with Program Supervision

Program supervision aims at large scale software management and utilisation. The main phases of planning, execution, evaluation, and repair are generic tasks of program supervision, software reuse and software engineering methodology. Specific to program supervision is the knowledge-based approach. Different categories of knowledge must be elicited in order to adequately build a program supervision system.

5.1 Requirements for Using Program Supervision techniques

In this section we analyse which properties the programs pi and their arguments must verify in order to be candidates for re-use with program supervision techniques. In addition, we propose general advice about the construction of operators (rpi and rcj) and criteria (crk).

Program properties

If there is one unique and clearly defined functionality for each program pi the model is directly applicable. A primitive operator rpi is thus created for each pi. If it is not the case, that is if one program achieves several distinct functionalities, the solution is either to rewrite the program in order to split it into smallest ones, one per functionality, or to define as many knowledge base operators rpi as there exist sub-functionalities in the program. We can note that, as a side-effect, the building of a program supervision knowledge base may have an influence on the methodology of code design, resulting in more modular and structured codes. This of course implies an additional effort at first, but in the long term it is an advantage both for code maintenance and for knowledge base evolution.

Moreover, if the programs are already managed by an ``interpreter'' such as a command language or a graphical interface, additional work is necessary to solve the communication problems between a program supervision system and the individual programs.

Argument properties

Programs can only be re-used if they do not work with ``magic numbers'' (i.e. fixed values for important internal parameters that have been obtained by past experiments). So, program supervision implies explicit internal parameters for each program by rewriting and adding explicit arguments. The same problem may arise with data which may be implicit (e. g., in the case of programs communicating via a shared memory). There are two possible solutions: the first one is to rewrite the program pi and to create new arguments for all data. A second solution is to keep the use of a shared memory, for efficiency reasons, but to represent explicitly the implicit arguments in the primitive operator rpi corresponding to pi. When parameters exist, the operator rpi must contain the knowledge on how to tune them. This is relatively easy for initialisation criteria, but is more demanding for repair criteria expressing how to adjust their values with respect to bad result evaluations.

Complex operator properties

Introducing a first abstraction level is natural when there exist several alternative primitive operators sharing the same functionality. The solution is to create in the knowledge base one complex operator per functionality. The type of decomposition of this complex operator is of specialisation type and the sub-operators are the alternative primitive operators. When typical program combinations cj are available (e.g., shell scripts, with sequences, alternatives, etc.) this information can be directly described and represented in the knowledge base by creating one complex operator (rcj) per typical combination cj. For instance if the combination cj is a sequence of programs, the type of decomposition of the complex operator is a sequence and the sub-operators are the ordered list of the primitive operators rpi representing the programs pi in the sequence cj. The knowledge base can contain several abstraction levels when the body of a complex operator is itself composed of other complex operators. It is thus possible to represent taxonomies of functionalities with complex operators. If for one single functionality, there exist several operators achieving it, the existence of these alternatives leads to a richer and more flexible knowledge base, with a wider range of applicability.

Criteria properties

First, the criteria are specialised: if there are known criteria in the choice of sub-operators, input parameters initialisation, output data evaluation, or repair strategies, even if these criteria are only available for specific applications, they can easily be expressed in the knowledge base using the adequate criteria type provided by the model. However, the criteria are not mandatory: each operator must not contain all types of criteria. The repair knowledge for instance can be located only in a few precise operators. Even if the knowledge representation of the operators is homogeneous, their usage is very dependent on the knowledge to be expressed.

Finally, the criteria can manage the degree of interactivity with the user. If there exist methods for automating the computing of values (parameter initialisation methods, parameters adjustment methods, or methods for the evaluation of the results), these methods can be directly translated into specialised criteria. If these methods do not exist, specialised criteria can nevertheless be created to guide the interaction with the end-user. It is especially useful for the evaluation of the results: the role of the criteria can be limited to the automatic display of some output data and of a list of possible assessments which are compatible with the repair knowledge. The user only selects a particular assessment for the displayed results.


It appears that the knowledge modelling effort depends on the set of programs to be supervised. This fact leads to a coarse methodology of knowledge base building: the easiest way is to begin by describing concrete individual programs, then to create higher levels of abstraction using complex operators. Criteria may be added afterwards, the more criteria the knowledge base contains the more efficient and flexible the program supervision process will be.

5.2 Program Supervision Knowledge Bases

This section uses three different examples to show how program properties have influenced the knowledge base building. We have developed two program supervision engines compatible with the knowledge representation model presented in section 3. For more details on these engines see [1][9] for the Ocapi engine and see [11] for the new Pegase one. These engines have been used for building several knowledge bases.


The first example is an application in astronomy, where the role of the program supervision system is to automate a complete processing chain in order to cope with possible variations in the input data (images of galaxies) [20][21]. There was already a modular set of 37 image processing programs. Only one program has been split into two programs pi, to allow an easier use of the repair knowledge. Thus, in the Progal knowledge base 38 primitive operators rpi have been created. Progal is a rich knowledge base with 54 complex operators rcj and a lot of abstraction levels. The criteria crk are numerous and fully automatic: there are 20 choices between operators, 16 parameter initialisations, 11 result evaluations, 21 repair criteria. Thanks to all those criteria, the complete image processing for morphological galaxy description is fully automated and provides inputs directly for an automatic galaxy classification system. A first version of the knowledge base has been developed with the Ocapi engine, the current knowledge base works with the Pegase engine.


The second example is a stereo-vision-based module performing some technical functionalities, such as 3D computing and obstacle detection. This module is difficult to use due to the existence of many technical parameters needing tuning. The Promethee knowledge base [22] contains 24 primitive operators corresponding to the 24 programs and only 15 complex operators. Among the 120 criteria there are only 15 choice criteria. Some of the 20 evaluation criteria are interactive ones, because of the generality of this module which can be applied on very different images corresponding to various application domains. On the other hand, the technical knowledge on how to initialise and adjust the parameters is important thanks to 64 initialisation criteria and 21 repair criteria. This knowledge base works with the Ocapi engine.


The third example falls within the domain of medical imaging. The objective is to offer clinicians a wider access to evolving medical image processing techniques and more precisely with Factor Analysis of Medical Image Sequences (FAMIS [23]). In this case, there is no need for complete automation. There are eight big programs performing several functionalities, plus 7 secondary programs. So, the knowledge base [24] contains more primitive operators (22 rpi) than there exist actual programs (15). There are 11 complex operators with alternative or sequential arrangement decompositions. The criteria are numerous in the current knowledge base : 120 criteria among which 10 choice criteria, 3 optionality criteria, 30 parameter initialisations, 30 results evaluations, 50 repair criteria. Most of the evaluations criteria and some of the choice and optionality criteria work in interaction with the clinician end-user. This knowledge base works with the Pegase engine.

6 Conclusions

We can summarise what program supervision can do for program re-use from the points of view of the code developers, the experts and the end-users. Obviously, code developers can not expect any improvement in the quality, complexity or speed of the individual programs only by application of program supervision techniques. A first major impact of program supervision for code developers is that the building of a program supervision knowledge base may influence the methodology of code design, leading to more modular and structured codes. In spite of this additional coding effort, it contributes in the long term to better code maintenance and knowledge base evolutions. In fact the program supervision approach provides the resulting system with extensibility, as it is easier to add new programs to the library. The second major impact for code developers concerns the diffusion of their code. The knowledge encapsulation of the codes using program supervision techniques allows a wider usage of the codes because the program supervision system can adapt its behaviour dynamically to the end-user data.

For the expert we propose a model which provides a framework and a clear description of the structure of the knowledge involved in program supervision. Yet, even if all the requirements on programs previously mentioned in section 5.1 are met, the building of a knowledge base for program supervision is still a big effort for the expert. A partial help can be provided by verification techniques as outlined in [25]. However, once the program supervision knowledge base has been written following the advice developed in section 5.1, the managing of the set of programs is completely handled by the program supervision engine. No more effort is necessary for the expert, because the knowledge modelling is completed. This knowledge capitalisation is an important result per se; it allows a company to compensate for the lack of code developers or experts.

For an end-user, program supervision techniques facilitate the re-use of a set of programs. The end-user has only to provide a request with input data, possibly some constraints on output data and some intermediate result evaluations. The program supervision approach provides the resulting system with more or less autonomy, since the user is not burdened with technical processing problems. In certain cases completely autonomous systems can even be developed.


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Figure 1: A program supervision system helps a user to re-use a set of programs for solving a request on input data I to obtain output data O.

Figure 2: A knowledge-based program supervision system helps a user to reuse a set of programs for solving a request on input data I to obtain output data O, as the results of the execution of a plan ?. It is composed of a program supervision engine and a knowledge base. The knowledge base contains the rpi and rcj representations of programs pi and combinations of programs cj, as well as the representations of various decision criteria crk

Figure 3: Summary of the main concepts of a program supervision knowledge base and of their relationships.

Figure 4: A user request is solved by different reasoning phases: (1) the planning of (part of) the solution, that selects and organises programs into a sequence of actions, (2) the monitored execution of each action after appropriate refinement and parameter tuning, (3) the evaluation of the results and finally (4) the repair of the (partial) solution if results are not satisfying. Bold arrows show the main recursive loop. Repair is performed either by simple re-execution of the same operator or by re-planning.

Figure 5: An example of the use of criteria in the reasoning of a particular program supervision engine, Pegase.