This paper presents the approach taken to, and the results obtained for automatic scene interpretation of airport aprons based on a multi-camera video surveillance system. The Scene Tracking and Scene Understanding modules are described and results and evaluation are presented.
Mots clé:
AVITRACK, Apron Activity Recognition, Scene Tracking, Scene Understanding
ITSC 2005 @INPROCEEDINGS{ author = {Borg, Mark and Thirde, David and Ferryman, James and Fusier, Florent and Valentin, Valery and Bremond, Francois and Thonnat, Monique}, title = {Video Surveillance for Aircraft Activity Monitoring}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance}, year = {15-16 September 2005}, address = {Como, Italy}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society} }