Video Event Recognition for Aircraft Activity Monitoring

LES AUTEURS David Thirde, Mark Borg, James Ferryman, Florent Fusier, Valéry Valentin, François Bremond, Monique Thonnat


This paper presents the approach taken to, and the results obtained for
automatic scene interpretation of airport aprons based on a multi-camera
video surveillance system.  The Scene Tracking and Scene Understanding
modules are described and results and evaluation are presented.

Mots clé:

AVITRACK, Apron Activity Recognition, Scene Tracking, Scene

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BibTeX reference:


ITSC 2005

author = {Borg, Mark and Thirde, David and Ferryman, James and Fusier,
Florent and Valentin, Valery and Bremond, Francois and
Thonnat, Monique},
title = {Video Surveillance for Aircraft Activity Monitoring},
booktitle = {Proceedings of  IEEE International Conference on Advanced
Video and Signal-Based Surveillance},
year = {15-16 September 2005},
address = {Como, Italy},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}

Dernière mise à jour : 7/10/05