The AEX Method and its Instrumentation

LES AUTEURS S. Delaitre, A. Giboin, S. Moisan.


This paper proposes an experience feedback method centered around a corporate memory, regarded as an active organizational memory [1] which favors organizational learning for individuals and groups as in [2]. We present this method, named AEX, and its instrumentation to facilitate risk management. AEX aims at capturing and re-using the experience from a specific activity of an organization to learn lessons and to improve this activity [3, 4]. Our method focuses on the intervention part in risk management like in [5, 6] but by reusing the experience itself which is regarded as a new way to assist emergency management [7]. During intervention, people (named managers in the following) have to decide about the actions to undertake. Our approach formalizes the related experience and capitalizes it in a corporate memory. Contrary to other knowledge management approaches, we do not store "compiled" experience (e.g., in the form of statistics) but the experience "as is" because transformed experience may lose part of its meaningfulness and usefulness.. Moreover, we capitalize the experience not only during the post-operational phase but also during the operational phase which is seldom exploited as a source of knowledge for capitalization. The method goals are:
· Help managers collect their own experience (in the corporate memory).
· Provide them with an access to past experiences of other managers, and help them select the useful ones for the current situation.

The paper is organized as follows: the first section shows the dynamics of a real intervention on an example; the second one outlines the general method and illustrates it with the example. We then discuss the method and its application. Finally, we detail the computer instrumentation of the method and discuss some perspectives.

Mots clé: Knowledge management, Corporate memory, Experience capitalization and reuse

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BibTeX reference:

author ={Delaitre, S. and Giboin, A. and Moisan, S.}},
title = {{The AEX Method and its Instrumentation}},
year = 2002,
editor = {Kluwer},
address = {Ciudad Real - Spain},
month = {April},

Dernière mise à jour : 5/08/02