Issues in representing context illustrated by scene interpretation applications
Authors: François Brémond et Monique Thonnat
This paper tackles several issues of the representation of context inknowledge-based systems.
First we propose a context definition through the description of the different
information types manipulated by a process. Thanks to this definition we
explain the role of the granularity level of processing and the role of the
abstraction level of application in modeling context. Then two rules are
provided helping with the construction of context representation. We
illustrate the proposed context model with the example of the scene
interpretation process. Then we present a representation of its context.
Through this specific representation two more general issues of context
representation are tackled\,: how context can be built and organized and how
its contents can be re-used for other applications. In the last part of the
paper we propose solutions to deal with these issues. Thus the proposed
context representation model allows us to see the representation under
different view-points. At the same time it allows us to gather all contextual
information in one place. As the representation is partially generic it also
makes possible the re-use of context contents for different interpretation
Context modeling, knowledge representation,
knowledge-based system, scene interpretation, view-point.
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BibTeX reference:
AUTHOR = {Brémond, F. and Thonnat, M.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the {I}nternational and
{I}nterdisciplinary {C}onference on {M}odeling and
{U}sing {C}ontext (CONTEX'97)},
MONTH = feb,
TITLE = {Issues in representing context illustrated by scene interpretation applications},
YEAR = {1997}
Dernière mise à jour: 15/03/01