Daily Schedule

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10.45 Presentation  (Room I)
11.00 Plenary Lecture (Room I)
Monte Carlo simulations in finance and Malliavin calculus   by P. L. Lions 
12.00 - Lunch - 14.00
14.00 Plenary Lecture (Room I)
Monte Carlo methods in neutron  and photon transport equations by R. Sentis
15.00 -Break -15.15
15.15 Minisymposia 

Kinetic modelling and numerical methods

(Room II)
Organizers :  B.  Perthame, B. Dubroca 


(Room III)
Organizer : E. Pardoux

Malliavin Calculus and applications

(Room I)
Organizer: A. Kohatsu-Higa, F. Antonelli

16.45 - Coffee break - 17.15
17.15 Minisymposia
Financial Mathematics I 

(Room I)
Organizer: B. Lapeyre
(end 19.15) 

Stochastic Models and Monte Carlo Algorithms for particles transport 

(Room II)
Organizer: K. Sabelfeld
(end 19.15)

Perturbation Theory for Markov chains 

(Room III)
Organizer : A. Stuart 
(end 19.15)



9.00 Plenary Lecture (Room I)
 Stochastic models in turbulence  by A. J. Chorin 
10.00 - Coffee break - 10.30 
10.30 Minisymposia 

Financial Mathematics III

(Room I)
Organizer : W. Runggaldier 

Monte Carlo methods for turbulence simulations 

(Room II)
Organizer: P. Kramer 

RNG and simulation of degenerate SDEs and associated Lyapunov exponents 

(Room IV)
Organizer: V. Wihstutz

Quantum probability 

(Room III)
Organizer: R. Rebolledo

12.30 - Lunch - 14.15
14.15 Plenary Lecture (Room I)
Monte Carlo approximations for  Boltzmann equations without cutoff by S. Méléard 
15.15 - Break - 15.30
15.30 Minisymposia 

Numerical methods for Boltzmann equation 

(Room II)
Organizers :  B.  Perthame, B. Dubroca 

Diffusion limits and homogeneization in random fields and interacting particle systems 

(Room III)
Organizer: S. Olla

Stochastic differential equations and applications

(Room I)
Organizer: A. Kohatsu-Higa, F. Antonelli

17.00 - Coffee break - 17.30 
17.30 Minisymposia 
Financial Mathematics II

(Room I)
Organizer : M. Jeanblanc 
(end : 19.30) 

Stochastic partial differential equations

(Room II)
Organizer: A. Debussche 
(end : 19.30)

MCMC methods for hidden Markov models

(Room III)
Organizer: C.P.  Robert
(end : 19.30) 



9.00 Plenary Lecture (Room I)
Super-resolution in time-reversed signals  by G. Papanicolaou
10.00 - Coffee break - 10.30
10.30 Minisymposia
Financial Mathematics  IV 

(Room IV)
(end 12.30)

Waves in random media 

(Room II)
Organizer: J. Garnier
(end 12.00) 

Stochastic particle systems and coagulation equations 
(part I) 

(Room III)
Organizer: W. Wagner
(end 12.00) 

Reflected processes and PDEs

(Room I)
(end 12.30) 

12.30 - Lunch - 14.15
14.15 Plenary Lecture 
 Backward stochastic differential equations and quasilinear PDES  by E. Pardoux 
15.15 - Coffee break - 15.30
15.30 : Minisymposia
BSDEs and PDEs

(Room II)
Organizer: Y. Ouknine
(end 17.00) 

MCMC algorithms in signal and image processing 

(Room IV)
Organizer: J. Zerubia 
(end 17.30) 

Stochastic particle systems and coagulation equations 
(part II) 

(Room III)
Organizer: W. Wagner 
 (end 17.00) 

 Interacting particle systems 

(Room I)
(end 17.00)