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Laurent Baduel


I am a researcher in the Tokyo Institute of Technology. I am granted by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science under the postdoctoral fellowship for foreign researchers.

My research team, led by Pr. Satoshi Matsuoka, is interested in different aspects of distributed and grid computing, from theory to technical issues.

Currently, my research topic focuses on the conception of autonomous grid applications based on peer-to-peer overlay networks. Ever-growing grids make application development, administration, and maintenance more and more complex. Autonomic computing partially answers these issues thanks to self-management mechanisms. Peer-to-peer networks assure the scalability and robustness of a system. Combined, they offer an efficient framework to build large grid applications. To illustrate this concept, I develop an automated monitoring tool for large scale grids.

I got my PhD in 2005 from the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, located on the French Riviera. Within the OASIS team of the INRIA laboratory I developed a grid middleware called ProActive, which is available in open-source as part of the ObjectWeb consortium. I actively participated to core developments and maintenance activities, and I am responsible for the group communication framework of ProActive.

Thanks for visiting my page, I wish you a pleasant tour on it.

-- Laurent

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