Engineer Internship 2006-2007
Deployment of Distributed and Grid Applications
Internship from March or April, Engineer position from October
Send CV to:,
General context
ProActive is a GRID Java library (Source code under LGPL license) for parallel,
distributed, and concurrent computing, also featuring mobility and security in a
uniform framework. With a reduced set of simple primitives, ProActive provides a
comprehensive API to simplify the programming of Grid Computing applications:
distributed on Local Area Network (LAN), on clusters of workstations, or on
Internet Grids. ProActive features the following:
- Asynchronous calls: Typed Messages
- Automatic future-based synchronizations: wait-by-necessity
- Migration, Mobile Agents
- Group Communications with dynamic group management
- Component-based programming and composition using Fractal
- Transparent, dynamic code loading (up and down)
- XML Deployment Descriptors
- File transfer mechanism over the Grid.
- Security
- Crossing Firewalls with SSH Tunneling
- A Peer-To-Peer infrastructure
- Fault Tolerance and Checkpointing mechanism
Recently, ProActive applications have been deployed on 2111 processors during the
second and third GRID PLUGTESTS
The OASIS team is committed to organize a third GRID Plugtests, co-located
between INRIA Sophia (ETSI) and China (Beijing). The intern and engineer will be
a key person responsible for the achievement of this challenge.
After learning and analyzing the capacities of the ProActive GRID platform, the
student will contribute to the domain of deployment on various Grid platforms,
including many de facto standards for distributed infrastructures (Web Service,
HTTP Transport, Jini, OSGi, JMX, ssh, sshGSI, RMI/ssh Tunneling, rsh, Globus,
LSF, PBS, Sun Grid Engine, NorduGrid, Unicore, EGEE gLite ).
The student will also take part to the development of the Java ProActive
platform, which include Java and Eclipse developments.
Several crucial aspects will be important:
- the capacity to integrate into a dynamic team of developer and reserachers,
- the openness to take part into various international projects, including
relationship with European and Chinese partners; one or several trips to china
can take place within the next years.
An engineer position will be the normal continuation at the end of the
internship, starting in October 2007, located in INRIA Sophia Antipolis.
Internship: about 900 to 1000 Euro Net per month
Engineer position: 2000 Euro Net per month
- Unix/Linux (administration, shell script)
- Networking (SSH, routing, firewall, DNS, ssh, etc.)
- Java programming
- Distributed programming (Java RMI, sockets, etc.)
Denis Caromel (INRIA, CNRS-I3S, UNSA, IUF)
Clement Mathieu (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, CNRS-I3S, UNSA)
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis,
2004 Rt. des Lucioles, BP 93
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
(On the French Riviera)