Distributed Functionnal Object Computations

The OASIS INRIA Sophia Antipolis project has been designing and implementing  ProActive, a Java library for Parallel, Distributed, and Concurrent computing and metacomputing. In the framework of a MIMD model (active object model), from a reduced set of rather simple primitives, a comprehensive and versatile library is defined for parallel, distributed, and concurrent programming (middleware).
In the absence of any syntactical extension, ProActive PDC programmers write standard code. The library is itself extensible by the programmers, making the system open for adaptations and optimizations.

The University of Adelaide team of Andrew L Wendelborn (http://www.cs.adelaide.edu.au/users/andrew/) has been working on Parallel functional programming, and Process Network implementation within  MetaComputing environements.

Whithin this framework, this Researsh Master offers to tackle the following challenges:

One can start the researsh with these two potential subsets previously identified:

One strong advantage of Process Network to take into account being: that framework guaranties determinate, deadlock-free applications.
It might also be usefull to study the notion of future-based streaming in general, and or the use of dedicated buffered demand-driven computations
in order to achieve implementation that fit within finite-size buffers.

Both standard and functional Java should be able to exist in same application; this calls for a study in order to precisely define the boundaries of the
functional part.

These researsh should lead to a PhD program (Thèse de Doctorat).

Encadrement :  Françoise Baude; Denis Caromel; Isabelle Attali;
Téléphone : 04 92 38 76 71 Email : fbaude@sophia.inria.fr,Denis.Caromel@inria.fr
Laboratoire ou équipe : INRIA Sophia Antipolis -- I3S CNRS

En collaboration avec :  Dr Andrew L Wendelborn, Department of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, Australia
Téléphone : +61-8-8303-4726 Email :andrew@cs.adelaide.edu.au

Prérequis : langages à objets, programmation répartie, des bases en  langage fonctionnel

Matériel et logiciels utilisés : Stations de travail en réseau

Lieu du stage:  Adelaide, Australia


     Towards Seamless Computing and Metacomputing in Java
     D. Caromel, W. Klauser, J. Vayssiere,
     pp. 1043--1061 in Concurrency Practice and Experience,
     September-November 1998, 10(11--13), Editor Geoffrey C. Fox, Published by Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

      Formal Properties of the Eiffel// Model
     Attali I., Caromel D., Ehmety S. O.,
      in Parallel and Distributed Objects, HERMES, 1999
     From a Specification to an Equivalence Proof in Object-Oriented Parallelism

     Attali I., Caromel D., Lippi S.,
     in FMPPTA'99, Formal Methods for Parallel Programming : Theory and Applications,
     April 1999, Springer Verlag, LNCS, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, IPPS'99.

     G. Kahn and D. B. MacQueen.
     Coroutines and networks of parallel processes. In B. Gilchrist, editor, Information Processing 77,
     North-Holland, 1977

     G. Kahn. The semantics of a simple language for parallel programming. In J. L. Rosenfeld, editor,
     Information Processing 74, North-Holland, 1974.