************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *********** Virtual Retina : CHANGES ACROSS VERSIONS *********** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* Spiking, large-scale retina simulation software. Author : Adrien Wohrer Institution : Group For Neural Theory, Ecole Normale Supérieure Contact : Adrien.Wohrer@ens.fr Project started December 2004. ************************************************************************* ************ VERSION 2.2.1 ***************** ************ (April 2010) ***************** ************************************************************************* USAGE OF VIRTUAL RETINA: ======================= - Modified the general architecture of the retina_package. Executables are now stored in VirtualRetina/bin/. Experiments/ are now stored in a separate directory outside of VirtualRetina. Etc. - Totally removed the obsolete of the . The undershoot is now added as a subfield of the (see EXAMPLE_cat_X_cell.xml). - Modified implementation of retinal spikingChannels, and associated single units (object "OneCell"). As a result, the XML definition files for the parts have slightly changed (see EXAMPLE retina files). Also, the cells' positions are now given in degrees (instead of pixels). - Added a new functionality for normalization in reconstruction from spike trains (option -dn 2 in ReconstructRetina, now the default), leading to much nicer reconstructions. IMPLEMENTATION: ============== - Modified #includes for compatibility with gcc version 4.3 - Updated to xmlParameters++ version 1.1.1 (with direct use of libxml2 instead of c++ wrapper libxml++). - Updated to CImg 1.3.4 - Solved bug in Retina::adjustSizes() : When using as input a file "retina.xml" produced by a previous call to program Retina, the new retina produced (and new saved "retina.xml") could display a different number of cells in its spiking channels. - Solved bug in of spiking cells. Now, an array with a single spiking cell has the cell centered in (0,0), as it should. - Changed implementation of ExpCascade in BaseRecFilter (to gain stability). Also, added graphical test of BaseRecFilter impulse responses: functions testImpulseResponse() and testIntegratedResponse(). - various small code modifications and fixes... ************************************************************************* ************ VERSION 2.1 ***************** ************ (July 07 -> April 10) ***************** ************************************************************************* 10-30-2007 : -------> NEW XML NAMES: * in the OPL, 'adaptation-version' is replaced by 'undershoot-version'. corresponding parameters 'adap-***' replaced by 'undershoot-***' * at the contrast gain control stage, all names in '**-amacrine**' are replaced by their equivalent '**-adaptation**', accounting for the biological origin of the fast contrast adaptation modeled here, which is very likely NOT amacrine cells. 10-12-2007 : -------> SQUARE ARRAY OF SPIKING CELLS: Bug fixed in the sqSpikingChannel (square array of spiking cells), which did not correctly place the spiking cells in the image. 08-21-2007 : -------> improved signal representations (cimg_signal_drawer.h and .cc), with real handling of log scales. Corresponding modifications in src/appli executables 08-08-2007 : NEW PACKAGE ONLINE (version 2.1), with -------> new file architecture (External_Libraries vs VirtualRetina). -------> Old, rudimentary Makefile replaced by an installation with CMake. -------> a VirtualRetina/local/ directory is created, with all required bin/ and lib/ -------> Thorough tutorial in pdf, explaining installation, usage and underlying model. -------> All spatial xml parameters expressed in visual degrees. -------> Simpler xml names for the different parameters. -------> Possibility of automatic download and installation of all required libraries, with the shell scipt download_build_all.sh 08-06-2007 : Happy birthday Tim 07-24-2007 : -------> Changed names of the microsaccade generator -------> Solved numeration bug in Retina_main.cc (size of input_CP , lign 364) 07-19-2007 : -------> Default synaptic function for the contrast-gain-control is taken by default as V -> V^2 instead of the old synaptic function V -> pos_part(V-v0) + pos_part(-V-v0) used before that. You can use , to have more liberty on the choice of the synaptic function. -------> Change in the xml names for the GANGLION layers : the obsolete 'parvocellular-ganglion-layer' and 'magnocellular-ganglion-layer' are now replaced by the simple: 'ganglion-layer'. But the former names still work. 03-2007 : -------> All parameters used in the xml definition file are now followed by the unit in which they are expressed. example: temporal-step is replaced by temporal-step__sec -------> All spatial parameters are now expressed in visual degrees rather than pixels as before -------> A pixel/degree conversion is created.