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Software: GER Sh WIN

GERShWIN - discontinuous GalERkin Solver for microWave INteraction with biological tissues

GERShWIN is a simulation software dedicated to the simulation of microwave interaction with biological tissues. GERShWIN is based on a high order DG method formulated on unstructured tetrahedral meshes for solving the 3D system of time-domain Maxwell equations coupled to a Debye dispersion model. GERShWIN has been selected has one of the applications of the DEEP-ER EU project. In this context, its hybrid MIMD/SIMD parallelization has been investigated in detail using different approaches and programming models.

Heterogeneous geometrical model of a pregnant woman, which consists of 3 tissues. The fetus and the brain of the fetus are considered as different tissues and are meshed separately. The final tetrahedral mesh contains 5,536,852 elements.

Heterogeneous geometrical model of head tissues, which consists of 4 tissues: skin, skull, CSF and brain. The final tetrahedral mesh contains 1,853,832 elements.

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Page last modified on December 19, 2016, at 04:43 PM