These workshops were originally held as meetings of the HCM project EXPRESS, which has been active with the same focus from January 1994 till December 1997. The first three workshops were held respectively in Amsterdam (1994, chaired by Frits Vaandrager), Tarquinia (1995, chaired by Rocco de Nicola), and Dagstuhl (1996, chaired by Ursula Goltz). The last workshop, which took place in Santa Margherita Ligure in 1997 and was co-chaired by Catuscia Palamidessi and Joachim Parrow, was organized as a conference with a call for papers and a significant attendance from outside the project. EXPRESS'98 is again intended to be organised as a (one day) conference, and is also meant as an occasion to discuss on the inheritance of the Express project and possible directions of future research.