Announcement letter

Announcement letter:

Dear Colleague,

We enclose the announcement for the Summer School "Harmonic analysis and rational approximation", which we are organizing on the Island of Porquerolles next September. The main academic purpose is to make certain areas of contemporary or modern (20th century) mathematics available to workers in signal processing, control theory and dynamical systems. The second aim is to give the opportunity for collective discussion of certain applications, including the modelling of turbulent systems and the processing of data and control in interferometric detectors of gravitational waves such as Virgo. In the programme (see the attached HTML file) the courses are at present described by their titles and some chapter headings or keywords. This information will next be com pleted by a detailed plan and a summary, which will be provided for each course on the web site of the School, which you are invited to consult.

Financially, our project is supported by CNRS and INRIA as part of their train ing programme. The practical details are handled by the organizing committee and the secretariat of the School.

The abilities of our colleagues who have kindle agreed to be speakers, advisers or organizers will guarantee the scientific quality of the summer scho ol. However, we rely on the active commitment of the participants to make the event a success. The first ideas and initial preparations owe a lot to conversations with Claude Froeschlé and Elena Lega (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur). In its emphasis on Applied Mathematics in the wide sense, this School may be seen as a descendant of the series that they organized on diverse themes of Ham iltonian Dynamics.

We apologise if you you receive multiple copies of this message via different mailing lists. We hope very much that the project interests you.
With best regards,

Jean-Daniel Fournier and Juliette Leblond

P.S. We would be grateful if you could pass this message on to any colleagues you have who are likely to be interested.

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