(* For one of my developments, I need to show show that (1 + sqrt 2)/(2 * (sqrt (sqrt 2))) < 127/125 But the function sqrt does not compute. It is only known through its properties. Here is how I do it, relying on a tactic to perform the computations: psatzl R. sqrt 2 ~ 1.4142... sqrt (sqrt 2) ~ 1.1892... so sqrt(sqrt 2) < 1.1893 *) Require Import Reals Psatz. Lemma ex_num : (1 + sqrt 2)/(2 * (sqrt (sqrt 2))) < 127/125. assert (0 < sqrt 2) by (apply sqrt_lt_R0; psatzl R). assert (0 < sqrt (sqrt 2)) by (apply sqrt_lt_R0; psatzl R). assert (approx_s2 : sqrt 2 < 14143/10000). apply Rsqr_incrst_0; try psatzl R. rewrite Rsqr_sqrt; unfold Rsqr; psatzl R. assert (approx_ss2 : 11892/10000 < sqrt (sqrt 2)). apply Rsqr_incrst_0; try psatzl R; apply Rsqr_incrst_0; try apply Rle_0_sqr. repeat rewrite Rsqr_sqrt; unfold Rsqr; psatzl R. apply Rlt_trans with ((1 + (14143/10000))/(2 * (11892/10000))). apply Rmult_le_0_lt_compat; try psatzl R. apply Rlt_le, Rinv_0_lt_compat; psatzl R. apply Rinv_1_lt_contravar; psatzl R. psatzl R. Qed.