Require Import Reals Arith Omega. (* Goal of the exercise: show that the (p+1)(p+2)...(p+n) is divided by factorial n. The solution is that the divisor is C n p, but this is defined as a real number, we need to sho that this is an integer. *) (* The product (p+1)(p+2)...(p+n) will be represented as prod n (fun x => x + p), where prod is the following function. *) Fixpoint prod (n:nat)(f:nat->nat) : nat := match n with 0 => 1 | S p => f(S p)*prod p f end. (* This product is also the quotient of two factorials. *) Lemma prod_fact : forall n p, prod n (fun x => x + p) * fact p = fact (n+p). induction n; intros p; simpl; try rewrite <- (IHn p); ring. Qed. Hint Resolve INR_fact_neq_0. (* Now show that the binomial coefficients are integers. a simple inductive consequence of Pascal's identity. The name of the function "C" can be found by browsing the library, for instance using Whelp at with the search keyword "binomial" *) Lemma C_nat : forall n p, p <= n -> exists k, C n p = INR k. Proof. induction n. intros p Hp; assert (p=0) by omega; subst p. exists 1; unfold C; simpl; field. destruct p as [|p]. unfold C; rewrite <- minus_n_O; exists 1. simpl (fact 0); simpl (INR 1); field; auto. intros Hpn; case (le_lt_or_eq _ _ Hpn); clear Hpn; intros Hpn. rewrite <- pascal; unfold C in *; try omega. destruct (IHn p) as [k1 Hk1]; try omega. destruct (IHn (S p)) as [k2 Hk2]; try omega. exists (k1 + k2). rewrite plus_INR; rewrite Hk1; rewrite Hk2; auto. unfold C; rewrite Hpn; rewrite <- minus_n_n; exists 1. simpl (fact 0); simpl (INR 1); field; auto. Qed. Lemma fact_n_div_prod_n : forall n p, exists k, prod n (fun x => x + p) = fact n * k. Proof. intros n p; destruct (C_nat (n + p) p) as [k Hk]; try omega; exists k. apply INR_eq; rewrite mult_INR; rewrite <- Hk; clear Hk k. replace (INR (prod n (fun x => x + p)%nat)) with ( (INR(prod n (fun x:nat => (x + p)%nat)) * INR (fact p)) /(INR (fact p)))%R by (field; auto). rewrite <- mult_INR; rewrite prod_fact; unfold C. replace (n+p-p) with n by omega. field; auto. Qed.