TD du mardi 27 mars 2012 (TD noté : envoyer le fichier final à 12:15 à

On devra travailler avec les définitions suivantes:

Require Export ZArith String.
Require Export List.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Open Scope string_scope.

Inductive aexpr : Type :=
  avar (s:string) | anum (x:Z) | aplus (e1 e2 : aexpr).

Inductive bexpr : Set :=
  blt (e1 e2 : aexpr).

Inductive instr : Type:=
  skip | assign (s:string) (e:aexpr) 
| sequence (i1 i2 : instr) | while (b : bexpr) (i:instr).

Definition env := list (string * Z).

Inductive aeval : env -> aexpr -> Z -> Prop :=
  ae_num : forall r n, aeval r (anum n) n
| ae_var1 : forall r x v, aeval ((x,v)::r) (avar x) v
| ae_var2 : forall r x y v v' , x <> y -> aeval r (avar x) v' ->
              aeval ((y,v)::r) (avar x) v'
| ae_plus : forall r e1 e2 v1 v2,
              aeval r e1 v1 -> aeval r e2 v2 ->
              aeval r (aplus e1 e2) (v1 + v2).

Inductive beval : env -> bexpr -> bool -> Prop :=
| be_lt1 : forall r e1 e2 v1 v2,
            aeval r e1 v1 -> aeval r e2 v2 ->
            v1 < v2 -> beval r (blt e1 e2) true
| be_lt2 : forall r e1 e2 v1 v2,
            aeval r e1 v1 -> aeval r e2 v2 ->
            v2 <= v1 -> beval r (blt e1 e2) false.

Inductive update : env->string->Z->env->Prop :=
| s_up1 : forall r x v v', update ((x,v)::r) x v' ((x,v')::r)
| s_up2 : forall r r' x y v v', update r x v' r' ->
            x <> y -> update ((y,v)::r) x v' ((y,v)::r').

Inductive exec : env->instr->env->Prop :=
| SN1 : forall r, exec r skip r
| SN2 : forall r r' x e v,
   aeval r e v -> update r x v r' -> exec r (assign x e) r'
| SN3 : forall r r' r'' i1 i2,
    exec r i1 r' -> exec r' i2 r'' ->
    exec r (sequence i1 i2) r''
| SN4 : forall r r' r'' b i,
    beval r b true -> exec r i r' -> 
    exec r' (while b i) r'' ->
    exec r (while b i) r''
| SN5 : forall r b i,
    beval r b false -> exec r (while b i) r.

Fixpoint lku e s : option Z :=
  match e with
    nil => None
  | (x,v)::tl => if string_dec s x then Some v else lku tl s

Fixpoint up e s v : option env :=
  match e with
    nil => None
  | (x,v')::tl =>
    if string_dec x s then
      Some ((x, v)::tl)
      match up tl s v with
        None => None
      | Some tl' => Some((x,v')::tl')

Fixpoint evf e a : option Z :=
  match a with
    avar s => lku e s
  | anum n => Some n
  | aplus a1 a2 =>
    match evf e a1 with
      None => None
    | Some v1 =>
      match evf e a2 with
        None => None
      | Some v2 => Some (v1 + v2)

Definition evbf e b : option bool :=
  match b with
    blt a1 a2 =>
    match evf e a1 with
      None => None
    | Some v1 =>
      match evf e a2 with
        None => None
      | Some v2 =>
        if Z_lt_dec v1 v2 then
          Some true
          Some false

Fixpoint run e i n : option env :=
  match n with
    S p =>
    match i with
      sequence i1 i2 =>
      match run e i1 p with
        Some r1 => run r1 i2 p
      | None => None
    | skip => Some e
    | while be i' =>
      match evbf e be with
        None => None
      | Some b =>
        if b then
          match run e i' p with
            None => None
          | Some r1 => run r1 (while be i') p
          Some e
    | assign x a =>
      match evf e a with
        None => None
      | Some v => up e x v
  | 0%nat => None

On voudrait prouver les lemmes suivants

Lemma up_correct : forall e x v e', up e x v = Some e' ->
  update e x v e'.

Lemma evf_correct : forall e a n, evf e a = Some n ->
  aeval e a n.

Lemma evbf_correct : forall e be b, evbf e be = Some b ->
  beval e be b.

Lemma run_correct : forall n e i e', run e i n = Some e' ->
  exec e i e'.

Last modified: Tue Mar 6 07:54:34 CET 2012