Xavier Pennec
Demonology: contributions to the Demons' image registration algorithm
Image registration consists in finding the geometric transformation that best superimposes the homologous points (voxels for 3D images) of two images. Originally proposed by Jean-Philippe Thirion in 1998 as an efficient procedure for non-linear registration in 3D, the demons' algorithm was revisited during 20 years.
Explanation as an alternated direction minimization method
The Demons method is an algorithm that alternates a purely local matching step and a global regularization using Gaussian convolution. The method was working outstandingly well, but we did not knew exactly why, at least from the theoretical point of view. In 1999, with Pascal Cathier, we first explained the demons forces (the correspondence phase) as a second order gradient descent of the sum of square intensity difference criterion (the L2 metric between images) [MICCAI'99]. On this basis, we could then change the image similarity criterion for the more convenient local correlation that accounts for local biases present in MRI [MMBIA'00].
However, we could not explain the two alternated steps of the Demons algorithm as the optimization of the usual image similarity plus regularity criterion. The brilliant idea of Pascal Cathier was to add an auxiliary variable called the matching field to the transformation, with an additional proximity term in the criterion to strongly correlate them, and to see the two steps as an alternated direction minimization method on these two variables. This gave rise to Pascal's pair and smooth (PASHA) method in 2000 [CVIU 2003]. This explanation of the original Demons method also allowed to modify the data attachment term more easily, for instance to combining feature-based and intensity-based registration [MICCAI'01].
- X. Pennec, P. Cachier, and N. Ayache.
Understanding the ``Demons' Algorithm'': 3D Non-Rigid registration by Gradient Descent.
In Proc. of 2nd Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'99), volume 1679 of LNCS, Cambridge, UK, pages 597-605, September 1999. Springer.
DOI : 10.1007/10704282_64.
Keywords:Medical image registration, Demons, gradient descent.
[380 citations].
- P. Cachier and X. Pennec.
3D Non-Rigid Registration by Gradient Descent on a Gaussian-Windowed Similarity Measure using Convolutions.
In Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA'00), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA, pages 182-189, June 2000. IEEE Computer society.
DOI : 10.1109/MMBIA.2000.852376.
Keywords:Introduction of the local correlation criterion (LCC).
[about 100 citations].
- P. Cachier, E. Bardinet, D. Dormont, X. Pennec, and N. Ayache.
Iconic Feature Based Nonrigid Registration: The PASHA Algorithm.
Comp. Vision and Image Understanding, 89(2-3):272-298, Feb.-march 2003.
DOI : 10.1016/S1077-3142(03)00002-X.
Keywords:The general matching / transformation estimation alternated framework.
[370 citations]
Diffeomorphic demons
In the previous demons algorithms, the deformation is encoded by a displacement field, and there is a priori no guaranty to obtain a diffeomorphism, particularly because of the addition used in the gradient descent step on the displacement.
The idea of parametrizing a subset of diffeomorphisms by the flow of Stationary Velocity Fields (SVFs) introduced with Vincent Arsigny at MICCAI 2006 was one of the key to shoot diffeomorphically much farther away at each step. Using the composition instead of the addition to update the current transformation led to the celebrated diffeomorphic demons algorithm. Experiments show that the diffeomorphic demons results are
similar in terms of image similarity metric to the classical additive demons, but they are more regular and closer to the true
transformation in controlled experiments, particularly in terms of Jacobian.
- T Vercauteren, X Pennec, A Perchant, N Ayache.
Diffeomorphic demons: Efficient non-parametric image registration.
NeuroImage 45 (1), S61-S72, 2009.
DOI : 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.10.040.
Keywords:Diffeomorphic registration, demons algorithm.
[1640 citations]
- Tom Vercauteren, Xavier Pennec, Aymeric Perchant, Nicholas Ayache
Non-parametric Diffeomorphic Image Registration with the Demons Algorithm.
In Proc. of MICCAI'07, Oct 2007, Brisbane, Australia. pp.319-326,
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-540-75759-7_39.
Keywords:Diffeomorphic registration, demons algorithm. An early conference version of the above method.
[500 citations].
- Tom Vercauteren, Xavier Pennec, Aymeric Perchant, Nicholas Ayache.
Diffeomorphic Demons Using ITK's Finite Difference Solver Hierarchy.
The Insight Journal. 2008 nov.
DOI: 10.54294/ux2obj.
Keywords: Open-source ITK Implementation of the Diffeomorphic Demons Algorithm. This code has been integrated into ITK since version 3.8.
Log demons in the SVF framework
The diffeomorphic demons algorithm optimizes a path in the space of diffeomorphisms that is regularized to avoid irregular transformations while optimizing the similarity of images at its end-point. However, this path is not geodesic, it is only geodesic by part when we consider the flow of stationary velocity fields as geodesics of the Cartan-Schouten connection (see the SVF framework for diffeomorphism). This prevented the use of statistical methods based on initial tangent vectors of geodesics. What was missing was an efficient way to approximate the group logarithm of the composition of two flows of SVfs. With such a technique, proposed by Bossa et al. at MICCAI 2007 with the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff (BCH) formula, we could rephrase the algorithm completely in the SVF framework as the optimization of the SVF whose flow best matches the images. Moreover, since the inverse transformation is readily obtained by flowing the SVF in the opposite direction, one can design very easily symmetric registration methods that output the inverse of the transformation registering image A to image B when reverting the two images (inverse consistency).
The symmetric log-demons developed with Tom Vercauteren where published at the MICCAI 2008 conference and extended to the local correlation criterion in 2013 with Marco Lorenzi in order to compute deformations that are insensitive to the local biases that are always present in MRI images. This new parametrization also opens the way to a sound statistical setting for deformation-based morphometry with SVFs.
- Tom Vercauteren, Xavier Pennec, Aymeric Perchant, Nicholas Ayache.
Symmetric log-domain diffeomorphic registration: A demons-based approach.
Proc of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2008, Part I, Sep 2008, New York, United States. Springer, LNCS 5241, pp.754--761, 2008.
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-540-85988-8_90.
Keywords:Diffeomorphic registration, log-demons algorithm, flow of stationary velocity fields.
[460 citations].
- Marco Lorenzi, Nicholas Ayache, Giovanni B. Frisoni, Xavier Pennec.
LCC-Demons: a robust and accurate symmetric diffeomorphic registration algorithm.
NeuroImage 81, 470-483, Nov 2013.
DOI : 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.114.
Keywords:Diffeomorphic registration, log-demons algorithm, flow of stationary velocity fields, Jacobian of the SVF flow, LCC criterion.
[185 citations].
- Open-source C++ code for LCC log-demons, the SVF-based demons algorithm with the Local Correlation Criterion. Inlcusion of other tools for SVFs and a confidence mask since the version 1.1.
The efficient and sound principles of log-demons provide a diffeomorphic registration framework which is quite versatile and that can be easily adapted to tackle new problems. For instance incompressibility of the heart motion was enforced with the
[iLogDemons, cited 200 times] proposed with Tommaso Mansi at MICCAI 2020 cardiac motion tracking.
With Hervé Lombaert, we also adapted the algorithm to use a spectral basis adapted to a specific view of the images as meshes
Spectral log-demons, cited 100 times].