Curriculum Vitae

Au 1 Avril 2008

Etat Civil

Thierry Viéville,

Demeurant 483 av Lyautey, 06250 Mougins

Né le 8 décembre 1959, à St Mandé, Val de Marne,

Position Actuelle

Directeur de Recherche de l'INRIA, Projet Mnemosyne.

Adresse: INRIA, 2004 Route des Lucioles, BP93 06902 Sophia.

Téléphone: 06-13-28-64-59

Courrier électronique:

Activités de recherche: Formalisation et Développement de Mécanismes Adaptatifs, Modèles Biologiquement Plausibles en Neurosciences Computationnelles, Analyse de la Perpection du Mouvement et de la Structure.


Travaux de Recherche

I : Recherches en Vision Animale

Etude, en microgravité, de la perception inertielle 2

Etude des interactions multi-sensorielles au sein du système oculomoteur 3

Perpection visuelle du mouvement4

II : Recherches en Vision Artificielle 5

Etude de mécanismes de vision dynamique

Etude de la perception visuelle dans une séquence d'images

Etude de mécanismes d'estimation paramétriques

III : Méthodes algorithmiques biologiquement plausibles 6

Réalisations et Développements Techniques

Traitement du Signal et Automatismes

Acquisition et Analyse de Données

Réalisations d'éléments de systèmes robotiques

Réalisation d'outils informatiques

Charges d'Enseignement

Encadrement de travaux de recherche

Actions Avec Des Industriels

Actions Nationales et Internationales


Langues Vivantes

Action Sociale

Titulaire du BAFA/BAFD, Secouriste.

Liste des Publications


F. Alexandre, B. Cessac, and T. Viéville.
Neurosciences computationelles: le cerveau est il un bon modèle de réseaux de neurones ?
In Séminaire Algorithmique et Programmation des Professeurs de Mathématiques en Classes Préparatoires, 2008.

F. Alexandre, N. Rougier, and T. Viéville.
Self-organizing receptive fields using a variational approach.
In International Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems, 2006.

F. Alexandre, N. Rougier, and T. Viéville.
A regularization process to implement self-organizing neuronal networks.
In International Conference on Engineering and Mathematics, pages 273-277, 2006.

S. Arias, E. Coste-Manière, G. Giraudon, and T. Viéville.
Formalisation de la conception des modules perceptifs pour les systèmes de vision réactifs.
In Journées Orasis'97, 1997.

P. Baudry, S. A. Saoud, F. Séné, P. Simon, G. Clément, T. Viéville, F. Lestienne, and A. Berthoz.
Experimental equipement implementation for measuring posture and eye movements in space.
In Seventh International Man in Space Symposium : Space Adaptation, Houston, Feb. 1986.

R. Baumgarten, A. Benson, A. Berthoz, T. Brandt, A. Brenske, A. Clarke, J. Dichgans, R. Eggertsberger, K. Jurgens, J. Kass, S. Krafczyk, H. Sherer, R. Thumler, T. Viéville, H. Vogel, and J. Wetzig.
European experiments on the vestibular system during the Spacelab-D1 mission.
In P. Sahm, R. Johnson, and M. Keller, editors, Scientific Results of the German Mission D1, Northen, 1986.

R. Baumgarten, A. Benson, A. Berthoz, Th.Brandt, U. Brand, W. Bruzek, J. Dichgans, J. Kass, T. Probst, H. Sherer, T. Viéville, H. Vogel, and J. Wetzig.
Effects of rectilinear acceleration and optokinetic and caloric stimulation in space.
Science, 225:208-211, 1987.

A. Benson, R. Baumgarten, A. Berthoz, T. Brandt, U. Brand, W. Bruzek, J. Dichgans, J. Kass, T. Probst, H. Sherer, T. Viéville, H. Vogel, and J. Wetzig.
Some results of the european vestibular experiment in the Spacelab-1 mission.
In Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, 1984.
No 377.

A. Benson and T. Viéville.
European vestibular experiments in the Spacelab-1 mission : VI yaw axis vestibulo-ocular reflex.
Exp. Brain Res, 64:279-283, 1986.

A. Berthoz, T. Brandt, J. Dichgans, R. Eggerstberger, S. Krafczyk, and T. Viéville.
Adaptative modification of eye-head coordination during linear accelerations in microgravity and on return.
In Seventh International Man in Space Symposium : Space Adaptation, Houston, Feb. 1986.

A. Berthoz, T. Brandt, J. Dichgans, R. Eggerstberger, S. Krafczyk, and T. Viéville.
Adaptative modification of the optokinetic and vestibulo-ocular reflexes during exposure to microgravity.
In P. Sahm, R. Johnson, and M. Keller, editors, Scientific Results of the German Mission D1, Northen, 1986.

A. Berthoz, T. Brandt, J. Dichgans, T. Probst, W. Bruzek, and T. Viéville.
European vestibular experiments in the Spacelab-1 mission : V contribution of the otoliths to the vertical vestibulo- ocular reflex.
Exp. Brain Res, 64:272-278, 1986.

A. Berthoz, I. Israel, T. Viéville, and D. Zee.
Linear head displacement can be derived from otolithic information and stored on spatial maps controllling the saccadic system.
In Barany Society Meeting, Bologne, June 1987.

A. Berthoz, I. Israel, T. Viéville, and D. Zee.
Linear head displacement measured by the otoliths can be reproduced through the saccadic system.
Neuroscience Letters, 82:285-290, 1987.

O. Bertrand, D. Broux, , P. Grangeat, D. Martin, E. Paillard, C. Perrin, M. Pierfitte, and T. Viéville.
Les systèmes d'imagerie médicale : Bilan et perspectives.
Technical report, E.N.S.T., Paris, 1981.

P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette, O. Faugeras, B. Giai-Checa, Q. Luong, L. Robert, A. Santos, and T. Viéville.
Real-time gaze control, high-level modules for active vision.
Technical report, INRIA, Sophia, France, 1993.

R. Brette, M. Rudolph, T. Carnevale, M. Hines, D. Beeman, J. M. Bower, M. Diesmann, A. Morrison, P. H. Goodman, F. C. H. Jr., M. Zirpe, T. Natschläger, D. Pecevski, B. Ermentrout, M. Djurfeldt, A. Lansner, O. Rochel, T. Vieville, E. Muller, A. P. Davison, S. E. Boustani, and A. Destexhe.
Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: a review of tools and strategies.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 23(3):349-398, 2007.

J. Bullier, R. Deriche, O. Faugeras, D. Fieze, P. Girard, R. Guyonneau, P. Kornprobst, T. Papadopoulo, S. Thorpe, and T. Viéville.
Rivage feedback during visual integration : towards a generic architecture.
Technical Report 5451, INRIA, 2004.

B. Cessac and T. Viéville.
Le cerveau est-il un bon modèle de réseau de neurones ?
Interstices, 2007.
To appear.

B. Cessac and T. Viéville.
On dynamics of integrate-and-fire neural networks with adaptive conductances.
Frontiers in neuroscience, 2008.

B. Cessac and T. Viéville.
Revisiting time discretization of spiking network models.
In Sixteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting(CNS), 2007.

S. Chemla, F. Chavane, T. Vieville, and P. Kornprobst.
Biophysical cortical column model for optical signal analysis.
In Sixteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS), jul 2007.

G. Clément, T. Viéville, , F. Lestienne, and A. Berthoz.
Modifications of gain assymetry and beating field of vertical optokinetic nystagmus in microgravity.
Neuroscience Letter, 63:261-264, 1986.

G. Clément, T. Viéville, F. Lestienne, and A. Berthoz.
Preliminary results of the 'equilibrum and vertigo' experiment performed during STS 51-G shuttle flight.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Space Physiology. ESA, Paris, 1985.

G. Clément, T. Viéville, F. Lestienne, and A. Berthoz.
Adaptative modification of upright posture and role of vision in microgravity and on return.
In Seventh International Man in Space Symposium : Space Adaptation, Houston, Feb. 1986.

G. Clément, T. Viéville, F. Lestienne, and A. Berthoz.
Adaptative modification of posture and ocular reflexes in microgravity.
In Three Decades of Physiological Research in Space, pages 216-217. NASA, Life Science Department, 1987.

E. Clergue and T. Vieville.
Methods for dense reconstruction in active vision.
In Proc. 17th European Conference on Visual Perception, Eindhoven, 1994.

E. Clergue and T. Viéville.
Méthodes de reconstructions denses pour la vision active.
Traitement du Signal, 13, 1996.

R.-M. Cornus, G. Giraudon, P. Guitton, B. Hidoine, C. Leininger, P. Rambert, F. Rechenmann, and T. Viéville.
Pourquoi populariser les sciences de l'informatique ?
In 4ème Colloque international ePrep, 2008.

S. Crahay and T. Viéville.
Neuronal simulation of the cortical early vision using a heeger model.
Technical Report 4534, INRIA, Sept. 2002.

J.-P. Delahaye, V. Chevrier, H. Delingette, C. Godin, and T. Viéville.
La modélisation à l'épreuve du réel.
In Conférence de la revue Pour la Science, jun 2006.

R. Deriche, O. Faugeras, G. Giraudon, T. Papadopoulos, R. Vaillant, and T. Viéville.
Four applications of differential geometry to computer vision.
In Artificial and Biological Vision Sytems. G.A. Orban and H.H. Nagel, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992.

I. Dimov, P. Kornprobst, and T. Viéville.
Could early visual processes be sufficient to label motions?
Technical Report 5240, INRIA, jun 2004.

R. Enciso and T. Viéville.
Comment simplifier le processus de calibration?
In 4emes Journées Internationales d'Informatique, "L'Interface des Mondes Réels et Virtuels", Montpellier, June 1995.

R. Enciso and T. Viéville.
Experimental self-calibration from four views.
In C. Braccini-etal, editor, 8th International Conference Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'95), volume 974 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 307-312, San remo, Italy, Sept. 1995. Springer.

R. Enciso, T. Viéville, and O. Faugeras.
Approximation du changement de focale et de mise au point par une transformation affine à trois paramètres.
Technical Report 2071, INRIA, 1993.

R. Enciso, T. Viéville, and O. Faugeras.
Approximation du changement de focale et de mise au point par une transformation affine à trois paramètres.
Traitement du Signal, 11(5):361-372, 1994.

R. Enciso, T. Viéville, and O. Faugeras.
Simplifier la calibration du mécanisme de mise au point.
In C.-F. Université Blaise Pascal, editor, ORASIS'96, pages 55-60, May 1996.

R. Enciso, Z. Zhang, and T. Viéville.
Dense reconstruction using fixation and stereo cues.
In World Automation Congress, ISIAC Symposia, Montpellier, May 1996.

R. Enciso, A. Zisserman, and T. Viéville.
An affine solution to the euclidean calibration while using a zoom lens.
In Workshop ALCATECH, 21-27, Danemark, July 1996.

M.-J. Escobar, P. Kornprobst, and T. Vieville.
Spike to spike mt model and applications.
In Sixteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS), jul 2007.

M.-J. Escobar, G. Masson, T. Vieville, and P. Kornprobst.
Spike to spike model and applications: A biological plausible approach for motion processing.
Research Report 6280, INRIA, 09 2007.

M.-J. Escobar, G. Masson, T. Vieville, and P. Kornprobst.
Spike to spike model and applications: A biological plausible approach for the motion processing.
Research Report 6280, INRIA, 09 2007.

M.-J. Escobar, A. Wohrer, P. Kornprobst, and T. Vieville.
Biological motion recognition using an mt-like model.
In Proceedings of 3rd Latin American Robotic Symposium, 2006.

M.-J. Escobar, A. Wohrer, P. Kornprobst, and T. Vieville.
Biological motion recognition using an mt-like model.
In Proceedings of 3rd Latin American Robotic Symposium, 2006.

M.-J. Escobar, A. Wohrer, P. Kornprobst, and T. Vieville.
Biological motion recognition using an mt-like model.
In 1`ere conf'erence francophone de Neurosciences Computationelles, oct 2006.

P. Facao, F. Romann, and T. Viéville.
Couplage inertie vision pour un navigateur autonome.
Technical Report Rapport de Recherche No 86J0326, Direction des Recherches Etudes et Techniques du Ministère de la Défense, 1992.

P. Facao, F. Romann, and T. Viéville.
Couplage inertie vision pour un navigateur autonome.
Rapport de Recherche 86J0326, Direction des Recherches Etudes et Techniques du Ministère de la Défense, 1992.

O. Faugeras, G. Adde, G. Charpiat, C. Chefd'Hotel, M. Clerc, T. Deneux, R. Deriche, G. Hermosillo, R. Keriven, P. Kornprobst, J. Kybic, C. Lenglet, L. Lopez-Perez, T. Papadopoulo, J.-P. Pons, F. Ségonne, B. Thirion, D. Tschumperlé, T. Viéville, and N. Wotawa.
Variational, geometric, and statistical methods for modeling brain anatomy and function.
NeuroImage, 23S1:S46-S55, 2004.
Special issue: Mathematics in Brain Imaging - Edited by P.M. Thompson, M.I. Miller, T. Ratnanather, R.A. Poldrack and T.E. Nichols.

O. Faugeras, F. Clément, R. Deriche, R. Keriven, T. Papadopoulo, J. Roberts, T. Viéville, F. Devernay, J. Gomes, G. Hermosillo, P. Kornprobst, and D. Lingrand.
The inverse EEG and MEG problems: The adjoint space approach I: The continuous case.
Technical Report 3673, INRIA, May 1999.

O. Faugeras, R. Deriche, and T. Viéville.
Impact du parallélisme en vision artificielle.
Technical report, INRIA, 1992.
rapport confidentiel.

O. Faugeras, B. Hotz, H. Mathieu, T. Viéville, Z. Zhang, P. Fua, E. Théron, L. Moll, G. Berry, J. Vuillemin, P. Bertin, and C. Proy.
Real time correlation based stereo: algorithm implementations and applications.
Technical Report 2013, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France, 1993.

O. Faugeras, B. Hotz, H. Mathieu, T. Viéville, Z. Zhang, P. Fua, E. Théron, L. Moll, G. Berry, J. Vuillemin, P. Bertin, and C. Proy.
Real time correlation-based stereo: algorithm, implementations and applications.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 1994.

O. Faugeras and T. Viéville.
Cooperation of the inertial and visual sensors.
In T. Lozano-Perez, editor, Inernational Workshop on Sensorial Integration for Industrial Robots : Architectures and Applications, Zaragoza, Spain, Nov. 1989.

F. Gaspard and T. Viéville.
Hierarchical visual perception without calibration.
RR 3002, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, Oct. 1996.

F. Gaspard and T. Viéville.
Non linear minimization and visual localization of a plane.
In The 6th International Conference on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis, volume VIII, pages 366-371, 2000.

F. Gaspard and T. Viéville.
Zooming on planar structures.
In I. Austvoll, editor, Proceedings of the 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, pages 469-476, Bergen, Norway, June 2001.

F. Gaspard, A. Zisserman, and T. Viéville.
Le zoom comme outil de calibration affine d'une caméra.
In Journées ORASIS'97, pages 27-38, Oct. 1997.

B. Giai-Checa, P. Bouthemy, and T. Viéville.
Detection d'objets en mouvement.
Technical Report 1906, INRIA, Sophia, France, 1993.

B. Giai-Checa, P. Bouthemy, and T. Viéville.
Segment based detection of moving objects in a sequence of images.
In The 12th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, pages 384-390, 1994.

B. Giai-Checa, R. Deriche, T. Viéville, and O. Faugeras.
Suivi de segments dans une séquence d'images.
Technical Report 2113, INRIA, 1994.

B. Giai-Checa and T. Viéville.
Fast and robust computation of 3D-edge location and motion.
In Journéees Orasis, 1991.

B. Giai-Checa and T. Viéville.
3D-vision for active visual loops using locally rectilinear edges.
In T. Henderson, editor, Seventh IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Control, Glasgow, pages 341-347. IEEE Computer Society Press, Alamitos, California, 1992.

L. Gérard, P. Kornprobst, and T. Viéville.
From variational to spiking network image segmentation techniques.
In Perception 36 ECVP Abstract Supplement, 2007.

D. Hutber, T. Viéville, and G.Giraudon.
Data fusion for reliable detection and tracking of multiple obstacles in a road environment - an asynchronous approach.
In Proc. International Workshop on Prolab2, 1994.

J. Kass, R. Baumgarten, A. Benson, A. Berthoz, T. Brandt, U. Brand, W. Bruzek, J. Dichgans, T. Probst, T. Viéville, H. Vogel, and J. Wetzig.
The european vestibular experiment on Spacelab-1.
Adv. Space Res., 10:3-9, 1984.

J. Kass, W. Bruzek, T. Probst, T. Viéville, and H. Vogel.
European vestibular experiments in the Spacelab-1 mission : II development of experimental equipement and realization of experiments.
Exp. Brain Res, 64:272-278, 1986.

P. Kornprobst, F. Chavane, S. Chemla, A. Reynaud, and T. Vieville.
Reverse-engeneering of the visual brain cortical maps computation using optical-imaging.
In 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, page 54, aug 2006.

P. Kornprobst, S. Chemla, O. Rochel, and T. Vieville.
A 1st step towards an abstract view of computation in spiking neural-networks.
In 1`ere conf'erence francophone de Neurosciences Computationelles, oct 2006.

P. Kornprobst, R. Peeters, T. Viéville, G. Malandain, S. Mierisova, S. Sunaert, O. Faugeras, and P. V. Hecke.
Superresolution in MRI and its influence in statistical analysis.
Technical Report 4513, INRIA, July 2002.

P. Kornprobst, T. Vieville, S. Chemla, and O. Rochel.
Modeling cortical maps with feed-backs.
In 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, page 53, aug 2006.

P. Kornprobst, T. Viéville, and I. Dimov.
Could early visual processes be sufficient to label motions?
In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2005.

P. Kornprobst, T. Viéville, and I. Dimov.
Could early visual processes label and segment motions?
In 17th IMACS World Congress, Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, 2005.

D. Lingrand, F. Gaspard, and T. Viéville.
Déplacements spécifiques pour l'auto-étalonnage, chapter 3, pages 89-138.
Hermes Paris, 2003.

D. Lingrand and T. Viéville.
Dynamic foveal 3D sensing using affine models.
Technical Report RR-2687, INRIA, 1995.

D. Lingrand and T. Viéville.
Dynamic foveal 3D sensing using affine models.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, volume 1, pages 810-814, Vienna, Austria, Aug. 1996. Computer Society Press.

D. Lingrand and T. Viéville.
Perception tridimensionnelle dynamique au niveau de la fovéa. utilisation de modèles affines.
In Journées ORASIS'96, volume 1, pages 181-186, May 1996.

D. Lingrand and T. Viéville.
Singularités au service du mouvement et de la calibration.
In INRIA, editor, Journées ORASIS'97, pages 17-26, Oct. 1997.

Q. Luong and T. Viéville.
Canonical representations for the geometries of multiple projective views.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 64(2):193-229, 1996.

Q.-T. Luong and T. Viéville.
Canonic representations for the geometries of multiple projective views.
Technical Report UCB/CSD-93-772, University of California at Berkeley, Sept 1993.

Q.-T. Luong and T. Viéville.
Canonic representations for the geometries of multiple projective views.
In 3rd E.C.C.V., Stockholm, 1994.

P. G. B. H. J. J. C. L. B. M. P. R. F. R. T. V. Marie-Hélène Comte, Florian Dufour.
La notion de "gamelet" : comment granulariser les contenus culturels ou les ressources pédagogiques.
In 4ème Colloque international ePrep, 2008.

F. Mourgues, T. Viéville, V. Falk, and È. Coste-Manière.
Interactive guidance by image overlay in robot assisted coronary artery bypass.
In Interactive guidance by image overlay in robot assisted coronary artery bypass, 2003.

C. D. Murcia, M. Niemaz, and T. Viéville.
Détection et suivi de cibles sur une durée indéterminée.
In Journées Orasis'97, 1997.

N. Navab, O. D. Faugeras, and T. Vieville.
The critical sets of lines for camera displacement estimation:a mixed euclidean-projective and constructive approach.
In Proc. Fourth Int'l Conf. Comput. Vision, pages 713-723, Berlin, Germany, May 1993. IEEE.

R. Peeters, P. Kornprobst, M. Nikolova, S. Sunaert, T. Viéville, G. Malandain, R. Deriche, O. Faugeras, M. Ng, and P. V. Hecke.
The use of superresolution techniques to reduce slice thickness in functional MRI.
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology (IJIST), Special issue on High Resolution Image Reconstruction, 14:131-138, 2004.

R. Peeters, P. Kornprobst, S. Sunaert, T. Viéville, O. Faugeras, and P. V. Hecke.
The use of superresolution reconstruction algorithms to enhance spatial resolution in fMRI.
In ISMRM 11th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2003.

P. Renaut, O. Faugeras, and T. Viéville.
Continuous multi-image preprocessing for euclidean reconstruction.
RR 3482, INRIA, 1998.

O. Rochel, S. Chemla, P. Kornprobst, T. Viéville, A. Daouzli, S. S., C. Lopez, , and S. Renaud.
A first step towards in silico neuronal implementation of early-vision map.
In Fourth International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, Hammamet, 2007.

S. Ron, J. Droulez, and T. Viéville.
The comparison of eye movement responses in one-dimensional and two-dimensional step-ramp target motion.
In Developments in Oculomotor Research, July 1986.

S. Ron, T. Viéville, and J. Droulez.
Saccadic response to a horizontal step vertical ramp target motion.
In Proceedings of the European Brain and Behavior Society, 1987.

S. Ron, T. Viéville, and J. Droulez.
Use of target velocity in saccadic programming.
Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 33:85-89, 1988.

S. Ron, T. Viéville, and J. Droulez.
Target velocity based prediction in saccadic vector programming.
Vision Res., 29:1103-1114, 1989.

É. Tlapale, G. Masson, T. Viéville, and P. Kornprobst.
Model of motion field diffusion controlled by form cues.
In Perception 36 ECVP Abstract Supplement, sep 2007.

T. Viéville.
Vestibulo-ocular reflex: microgravity study of otoliths contribution.
In XXXIII Congrès International de Médecine Aéronotique et Spatiale, Madère, Portugal, Sept. 1984.

T. Viéville.
Etude du réflexe oculaire de torsion chez l'homme.
Technical report, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, France, 1985.
Rapport de Stage de Diplôme d'Études Approfondies.

T. Viéville.
Functional test of emirat.
Technical report, L.P.N. CNRS, Paris, 1985.

T. Viéville.
O.K.N. experiments in D1-VS201. scientific reference document.
Technical report, L.P.N. CNRS, Paris, 1985.

T. Viéville.
Pursuit of visual targets with bi-dimensional trajectories.
In European Congress of Neurosciences, Marseilles, Sept. 1986.

T. Viéville.
Construction d'un modèle robotique du contrôle neurophysiologique des mouvements oculaires en vue de l'élaboration de robots de 3ème génération.
Technical Report Rapport de Recherche No 86J0326, Ministère de la Recherche et de la Technologie, 1987.

T. Viéville.
Construction d'un modèle robotique du contrôle oculomoteur.
In Colloque Physique vers la Biologie, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, June 1988.

T. Viéville.
Le Comportement du Système Oculaire en tant que Mécanisme d'Interaction entre les Sous-Systèmes Oculomoteurs.
PhD thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, France, January 1988.

T. Viéville.
Estimation of 3D-motion and structure from tracking 2D-lines in a sequence of images.
In Proceedings of the 1st ECCV, Antibes, pages 281-292. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990.

T. Viéville.
Feed forward recovery of motion and structure from a sequence of 2D-lines matches.
In ESPRIT-II/VOILA Workshop on Visually Guided Path Planning and Predictive Feed-Forward Techniques, Genoa, 1990.

T. Viéville.
Fonctions maple pour la vision dynamique.
Technical report, INRIA, Projet Robotique et Vision, 1991.
Publication Interne, Projet Robotvis.

T. Viéville.
Real time gaze control : Architecture for sensing behaviours.
In J.-O. Eklundh, editor, The 1991 Stockholm Workshop on Computational Vision, Rosenon, Sweden. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 1991.

T. Viéville.
Real time gaze control : Architecture for sensing behaviours.
In International Colloquium on Parallel Image Processing, Paris, France, 1991.

T. Viéville.
Using a symbolic calculator as a program generator : Application to algorithms of visual perception.
In Greco de Calcul Formel, Luminy, Marseille, 1991.

T. Viéville.
3D vision of an active camera system.
In B. Buxton, editor, British Machine Vision Association meeting on Active Vision, London, 1992.

T. Viéville.
Autocalibration of visual sensor parameters on a robotic head.
In Communication at LIFIA, France, 1992.

T. Viéville.
Building a depth and kinematic 3D-map from visual and inertial sensors using the vertical cue.
In ESPRIT Symposium on Multisensory Control of Movement, Paris, 1992.

T. Viéville.
Expérimentation de Mécanismes Adaptatifs en Vision.
PhD thesis, Université de Nice., Jun. 1993.
Habilitation à Diriger Des Recherches en Sciences.

T. Viéville.
Vision modules for active vision.
Technical report, Université de Nice, 1993.
Hand-Book of the Active Vision Course, INRIA, Sophia, France.

T. Viéville.
Autocalibration of visual sensor parameters on a robotic head.
Image and Vision Computing, 12, 1994.

T. Viéville.
Mascotte : A few maple routines for real-time code generation.
Technical Report RR-2826, INRIA, 1996.

T. Viéville.
A few steps towards 3D Active Vision, volume 33.
Springer Series in Information Sciences, 1997.

T. Viéville.
Modèles paramétriques de l'environnement et estimation optimale robuste.
In Séminaire de linguistique de l'Ecole Doctorale Lettre de l'UNSA, 2000.

T. Viéville.
Using markers to compensate displacements in MRI volume sequences.
Technical Report 4054, INRIA, Nov. 2000.

T. Viéville.
Estimation paramétrique et modèles de notre environnement.
Technical report, INRIA, 2001.
Rapport didactique.

T. Viéville.
Biologically plausible regularization mechanisms.
RR 4625, INRIA, 2002.

T. Viéville.
Perception du mouvement et vision active.
In Séminaire du Laboratoire de Psychologie Expérimentale et Quantitative de Nice, 2002.

T. Vieville.
Inertial and visual perception of the vertical: a review.
In Integration of Vision and Inertial Sensors, 2003.

T. Viéville.
La longue marche des informaticiens vers la vision cognitive.
In Séminaire Phiteco de Sciences Cognitives de l'UTC de Compiegne, 2003.

T. Viéville.
Svm et modèle biologique de reconnaissance visuelle.
In Journées thématique "Support Vector Machines et méthodes à noyau", ENST, Paris, 2003.

T. Viéville.
Towards biologically plausible regularization mechanisms.
RR 4965, INRIA, 2003.

T. Viéville.
Biologically plausible regularization mechanisms.
In 8th ICCNS. Boston University, 2004.

T. Viéville.
A biologically plausible trajectory generator.
In 8th ICCNS. Boston University, 2004.

T. Viéville.
Quelques modèles biologiquement plausibles issus des méthodes de vision artificielle.
In M. Samuelides, editor, Dynamique des réseaux neuronaux artificiels biologiquement plausibles et applications en robotique autonome, June 2004.

T. Viéville.
In )i(nterstices, 2004.

T. Viéville.
Use vieville:05 instead.

T. Viéville.
An abstract view of biological neural networks.
Technical Report RR-5657, INRIA, Aug. 2005.

T. Viéville.
De la deuxième à la troisième dimension.
In )i(nterstices, 2005.

T. Viéville.
An unbiased implementation of regularization mechanisms.
Image and Vision Computing, 23(11):981-998, 2005.

T. Viéville.
About biologically plausible trajectory generators.
In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2006.

T. Viéville.
An improved biologically plausible trajectory generator.
Technical Report 4539-2, INRIA, Feb. 2006.

T. Viéville.
La vision des mouvements en robotique.
Pour la Science, July 2006.

T. Viéville.
Reconnaitre un animal : notre cerveau est plus rapide que nous !
In )i(nterstices, 2006.

T. Viéville.
Une solution au problème de la génération de trajectoires.
In )i(nterstices, 2006.

T. Viéville and A. Berthoz.
Aspects géométriques de la poursuite oculomotrice pendant l'exploration visuelle.
Technical report, L.P.N. CNRS, Paris, 1985.
Rapport de recherche, contrat EDF No 830143.

T. Viéville and P. Bonnet.
Vision biologique et artificielle : Maths à appliquer.
In Journées Nationales de l'A.P.M.E.P., 2000.

T. Viéville and P. Bonnet.
Vision biologique et artificielle : Maths à appliquer.
Technical report, INRIA, 2001.
Rapport didactique.

T. Viéville, S. Chemla, and P. Kornprobst.
How do high-level specifications of the brain relate to variational approaches?
Journal of Physiology - Paris, 101(1-3):118-135, 2007.

T. Viéville and Cie.
The acvis package documentation, version 2.1.
Technical report, INRIA, Projet Robotique et Vision, Rapport Interne, 1994.

T. Viéville, G. Clément, F. Lestienne, and A. Berthoz.
Adaptative modifications of the optokinetic and vestibulo-ocular relexes in microgravity.
In E. Keller and D. Zee, editors, Adaptative Process in Visual and Oculomotor Systems, pages 111-120. Pergamon, New-York, 1985.

T. Viéville, G. Clément, F. Lestienne, and A. Berthoz.
Adaptative modification of the vestibulo-ocular reflex and optokinetic nystagmus in microgravity and on return.
In Seventh International Man in Space Symposium : Space Adaptation, Houston, Feb. 1986.

T. Viéville, E. Clergue, R. Enciso, and H. Mathieu.
Experimenting 3D vision on a robotic head.
In The 12th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, pages 739-743, 1994.

T. Viéville, E. Clergue, R. Enciso, and H. Mathieu.
Experimentating with 3-D vision on a robotic head.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 1995.

T. Viéville and S. Crahay.
A deterministic biologically plausible classifier.
Technical Report 4489, INRIA, June 2002.

T. Viéville and S. Crahay.
A deterministic biologically plausible classifier.
In Computational Neuroscience Meeting, volume 58-60C, pages 923-928. Elsevier, July 2003.

T. Viéville and S. Crahay.
Using an hebbian learning rule for multi-class svm classifiers.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 17(3):271-287, 2004.

T. Viéville, J. Droulez, C.-H. Pen, and A. Negri.
How do we perceive the eye intrinsic parameters ?
RR 4030, INRIA, Oct. 2000.

T. Viéville, J. O. Ekhlund, K. Pahlavan, and T. Uhlin.
An example of artificial oculomotor behavior.
In T. Henderson, editor, Seventh IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Control, Glasgow, pages 348-353. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1992.

T. Viéville, J.-O. Ekhlund, K. Pahlavan, and T. Uhlin.
Reactive versus adaptive 3D vision : an example of artificial oculomotor behavior.
In J. Crowley and V. Cornilleau-Perez, editors, ESPRIT Workshop on Ocular Reflexes in Biological and Machine Vision, Genoa, 1992.

T. Viéville, P. Facao, and E. Clergue.
Building a depth and kinematic 3D-map from visual and inertial sensors using the vertical cue.
In H. Nagel, editor, 4th I.C.C.V., Berlin. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, 1993.

T. Viéville, P. Facao, and E. Clergue.
Computation of ego-motion using the vertical cue.
Machine Vision and Applications, 8(1):41-52, 1995.

T. Viéville and O. Faugeras.
Computation of Inertial Information on a Robot.
In Hirofumi Miura and Suguru Arimoto, editor, Fifth International Symposium on Robotics Research, pages 57-65. MIT-Press, 1989.

T. Viéville and O. Faugeras.
Cooperation of the inertial and visual systems.
In T. Henderson, editor, Traditional and Non-Traditional Robotic Sensors, pages 339-350. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Sept. 1989.

T. Viéville and O. Faugeras.
Feed forward recovery of motion and structure from a sequence of 2D-lines matches.
In S. Tsuji, A. Kak, and J.-O. Eklundh, editors, Third International Conference on Computer Vision, Osaka, pages 517-522. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, 1990.

T. Viéville and O. Faugeras.
Robust and fast computation of edge characteristics in image sequences.
Technical Report RR-1689, INRIA, 1992.

T. Viéville and O. Faugeras.
Robust and fast computation of edge characteristics in image sequences.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 13, 2, 1994.

T. Viéville and O. Faugeras.
Motion analysis with a camera with unknown, and possibly varying intrinsic parameters.
In The 5th Int. Conf. Comp. Vision, pages 750-756, 1995.

T. Viéville and O. Faugeras.
The first order expansion of motion equations in the uncalibrated case.
CVGIP: Image Understanding, 64(1):128-146, July 1996.

T. Viéville and O. Faugeras.
La longue marche vers la vision cognitive.
La Recherche, 2(350), Feb. 2002.

T. Viéville and O. D. Faugeras.
Robust and fast computation of high order spatial derivatives in image sequences.
In Insight Meeting, Nice, France, 1991.

T. Viéville and O. D. Faugeras.
Robust and fast computation of unbiased intensity derivatives in images.
In G. Sandini, editor, Proceedings of the 2nd ECCV, pages 203-211, Santa-Margherita, Italy, 1992. Springer-Verlag.

T. Viéville, R. Fournier, and L. Robert.
Utilisation de fenêtres actives sous Xwindow.
Technical Report 132, INRIA, Projet Robotique et Vision, 1991.

T. Viéville and C. Genest.
A la découverte de l'i.n.r.i.a.
Bulletin de l'Union des Professeurs de Spéciales, (200):20-24, 2002.

T. Viéville, B. Hotz, H. Mathieu, M. Buffa, L. Robert, P. Facao, O. Faugeras, , and F. R. J. Audren.
Using visual feedback to drive a mobile robot on its trajectoy.
In G. Giraudon and M. Plancke, editors, Workshop on computer vision for space applications, 1993.

T. Viéville, P. Jeanne, and Y. LeGuilloux.
An active vision system for visual-aided navigation.
In G. Giraudon and M. Plancke, editors, Workshop on computer vision for space applications, 1993.

T. Viéville and P. Kornprobst.
How fast-brain object categorization allows top-down processes of segmentation.
In European Conference on Visual Perception, 2005.

T. Viéville and P. Kornprobst.
Modeling cortical maps with feed-backs.
In International Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems, 2006.

T. Viéville and P. Kornprobst.
Modeling cortical maps with feed-backs.
In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vancouver, 2006.

T. Viéville and D. Lingrand.
Using singular displacements for uncalibrated monocular visual systems.
Technical Report RR-2678, INRIA, 1995.

T. Viéville and D. Lingrand.
Using singular displacements for uncalibrated monocular visual systems.
In 4th ECCV, volume 2, pages 207-216, Apr. 1996.

T. Viéville and D. Lingrand.
Using specific displacements to analyze motion without calibration.
The International Journal of Computer Vision, 31(1):5-29, 1999.

T. Viéville, D. Lingrand, and F. Gaspard.
Implementing a variant of the Kanatani's estimation method.
RR 4050, INRIA, Nov. 2000.

T. Viéville, D. Lingrand, and F. Gaspard.
Implementing a multi-model estimation method.
The International Journal of Computer Vision, 44(1), 2001.

T. Viéville and Q. Luong.
Motion of points and lines in the uncalibrated case.
Technical Report 2054, INRIA, 1993.

T. Viéville and Q. Luong.
Computing motion and structure in image sequences without calibration.
In The 12th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, pages 420-426, 1994.

T. Viéville, Q. Luong, and O. Faugeras.
Motion of points and lines in the uncalibrated case.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 17:1, 1996.

T. Viéville and D. Massé.
Dynamic ocular-counterolling in human.
Oto Rhyno. Laryngol, 103:280-290, 1986.

T. Viéville and O. Rochel.
One step towards an abstract view of computation in spiking neural-networks.
In International Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems, 2006.

T. Viéville, F. Romann, B. Hotz, H. Mathieu, M. Buffa, L. Robert, P. Facao, O. Faugeras, and J. Audren.
Autonomous navigation of a mobile robot using inertial and visual cues.
In M. Kikode, T. Sato, and K. Tatsuno, editors, Intelligent Robots and Systems, Yokohama, 1993.

T. Viéville, S. Ron, and A. Berthoz.
Visual pursuit of circular target motion.
Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 1990.

T. Viéville, S. Ron, and J. Droulez.
Two dimensional saccadic and smooth pursuit response to an extrafoveal smooth movement.
In L.-S. A. and O. K., editors, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Eye Movements, 1986.

T. Viéville and P. Sander.
Using pseudo Kalman-filters in the presence of constraints.
Technical Report RR-1669, INRIA, Sophia, France, 1992.

T. Viéville and S. Thorpe.
A deterministic biologically plausible classifier.
In 8th ICCNS. Boston University, 2004.

T. Viéville and C. Vadot.
Biologically plausible trajectory generators.
Technical Report 4539, INRIA, Sept. 2002.

T. Viéville, C. Zeller, and L. Robert.
Recovering motion and structure from a set of planar patches in an uncalibrated image sequence.
In The 12th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, pages 637-641, 1994.

T. Viéville, C. Zeller, and L. Robert.
Using collineations to compute motion and structure in an uncalibrated image sequence.
The International Journal of Computer Vision, 20(3):213-242, 1996.

T. Viéville and H. Zinglé.
Informatisation de données expérimentales dans le cadre d'une étude analytique du problème de la durée vocalique en allemend.
Travaux de l'Institut de Phonétique de Strasbourg, 12:97-131, 1980.

T. Viéville et al.
Expériences de perception visuelle pour les robots mobiles.
In Seminaire EC2 sur les Robots Mobiles, La Défense, 1990.

A. Wohrer, P. Kornprobst, and T. Viéville.
A biologically-inspired spiking retina model for the encoding of visual sequences.
In European Conference on Visual Perception, 2005.

A. Wohrer, P. Kornprobst, and T. Viéville.
A biologically-inspired model for a spiking retina.
Technical Report 5848, INRIA, Feb. 2006.

A. Wohrer, P. Kornprobst, and T. Vieville.
Contrast gain control through a feedback in the retina.
In 1`ere conf'erence francophone de Neurosciences Computationelles, oct 2006.

A. Wohrer, P. Kornprobst, and T. Vieville.
From light to spikes: a large-scale retina simulator.
In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vancouver, 2006.

A. Wohrer, P. Kornprobst, and T. Viéville.
Virtual retina: a biological retina model and simulator, with contrast gain control.
Research Report 6243, INRIA, jul 2007.

A. Wohrer, G. Masson, L. Perrinet, P. Kornprobst, and T. Vieville.
Contrast sensitivity adaptation in a virtual spiking retina and its adequation with mammalians retinas.
In 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, page 67, aug 2006.


... Sophia-Antipolis1
Le diplôme ne comportait pas de mention.
... inertielle 2
L'étude a été menée au cours de trois vols habités (Spacelab-1 en novembre 1982, STS 51-G en juin 1985, Spacelab-D1 en octobre 1985), et lors d'expérimentations au sol. Elle s'est inscrite dans le cadre d'une collaboration internationale entre le Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, l'Agence Spatiale Européenne, la NASA et différents laboratoires de recherche en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. Elle a été interrompue après l'explosion de la navette spatiale américaine, en 1986.
... oculomoteur 3
L'étude a été menée au Laboratoire de Physiologie Neurosensorielle du CNRS, en collaboration avec le Pr. Ron du Loewenstein Hospital de Tel-Aviv. Elle a permis, à partir d'expériences comportementales sur un sujet humain, de dégager quelques aspects théoriques concernant les modalités de fonctionnement du système oculomoteur humain. Elle a conduit à l'étude de modèles artificiels du système oculomoteur humain, basés sur des mécanismes robotiques.
... mouvement4
Ces nouvelles études ont été entreprises au Laboratoire de Robotique et Vision de l'INRIA en collaboration avec des équipes des sciences de la vie.
... Artificielle5
Ces études ont été entreprises au Laboratoire de Robotique et Vision de l'INRIA, projet ROBOTVIS et ODYSSEE.
... plausibles6
Ces études ont été entreprises dans le projet ODYSSEE.
La thèse a été interrompue 1 an pour l'accomplissement des obligations militaires.

Thierry Vieville 2008-04-01