[std-interval] Comments on the Interval Standard Proposal

Lawrence Crowl lawrence.crowl at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 22:27:54 PDT 2006

My comments are based on 2006-09-05 revision 1.

III Impact on the Standard

   paragraph 3:  "however, are necessary" => "however, are not necessary"

26.6 Interval Numbers

   paragraph 2:  Remove bool.
      This text is a holdover from an earlier version of the proposal.

26.6.1 Header <interval> synopsis

      Might be better to change the namespace from X_ops to X_comparisons?
      Such a change is more in line with the actual content.

26.6.2 interval class template

      The standard doesn't actually need to provide a definition of the template
      class interval.  That is, the specializations can be defined without a
      definition for the template.  Is there a particular reason for
defining the

26.6.4 interval member functions


      I do not see a definition of the static member function whole().
      I am particularly interested in what whole().lower() et.al. means.

   interval(const char *s);

      I think undefined behavior here is a very bad idea.  The programmer
      cannot effectively avoid the bad behavior without parsing the string
      manually.  That is too much of a burden.  I suggest that the parse
      either return empty (which is indistinguishable from a successfully
      parsed empty) or return an error code, or throw an exception.  You
      should ask the library experts for their prefered solution.

   interval(T t);

      What does "if the value of t is infinite, it will be interpreted
as a finite
      number to [sic] big to be representable when constructing the
      interval" mean?  How does this statement affect my program?

   interval(T lo, T hi);

      The undefined behavior here is almost zero cost to avoid.  In particular,
      under IEEE 754, the comparison <= returns false when either of its
      operands are NaN.  The only cases that fail are interval(-oo,-oo) and
      interval(oo,oo).  Assuming that the extra two comparsions to detect
      these cases are too expensive, what are the consequences of defining
      these two intervals to be valid?  (Remember, I am a language/compiler
      person, not an interval person.)

   template<class U> interval(U x);

      I think the prefered form is template<typename U> ....

      What is the rationale for this template?  There isn't a corresponding
      definition in the specializations.

      If the definition is to remain, the constraints on U need to be specified.

26.6.7 bool_set comparisons

   template< class T> bool_set operator<=(....

      The definition confused me greatly.  I spent quite a bit of time trying
      to decide whether or not a<=b was the same as (a<b)|(a==b).
      Eventually, I decided that it was.  However, the definition certainly
      didn't lead one to easily conclude that they were the same.  I think
      the proposal would be clearer if the "or" version of the definition were
      used, particularly for those of us that know a<=b is not always the
      same as !(b>a).

26.6.10 Set inclusion comparisons

   template< class T> bool operator<(....
   template< class T> bool operator<=(....

      I think the 'returns' clause has the order of arguments to the
      'contains' function reversed.

On Infinity and NaN.

   I think the proposal might be substantially improved by recognizing
   two categories of implementation -- those with infinity/NaN values
   in their floating-point, and those without.  The second would have
   degraded semantics.  The standard probably needs needs a macro
   indicating the category.

Lawrence Crowl

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