[std-interval] Re:proposed C++ Interval standard

Jean-Pierre Merlet Jean-Pierre.Merlet at sophia.inria.fr
Wed Sep 13 13:28:58 PDT 2006

Nice job by Herve, Guillaume and Sylvain.

I have two questions:

-should not be some definition about the returned enclosure of inverse 
functions such as:
2 Returns: an enclosure of {acos(x) | x in X and x in [ 1,1]}. template 
< class T> interval <T> acosh ( interval <T> X);
Should we impose that the enclosure be include in the range [0,pi] ?

-you are not talking about interval vectors and matrices except in VI.2.
where you are using is[s], s being the index, starting at s=0. This will 
not be compatible with PROFIL notations using is(s) with s starting at 
1. I am not that familiar with C++ but I guess we may template another 
vector definition compatible with PROFIL while still using the C++ 
standard ?

Otherwise sound good at a first look. Best

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