I'm a researcher in the Inria research center of Université Côte d'Azur, in Sophia Antipolis.
I work within the Factas team which focuses on using approximation tools and complex and harmonic analysis to address inverse problems involving Maxwell's equation in the static regime.
Before that, I have been a postdoctoral fellow in the Caramel team at the LORIA in Nancy, and I have been a PhD student in the Arenaire project in the école normale supérieure de Lyon (ENS). My supervisors were Jean-Michel Muller and Nicolas Brisebarre.
During my thesis, I was a teaching assistant in the ENS. I gave tutorials and practical sessions for several courses (introduction to programming, introduction to computability and decidability, formal proof with the proof assistant COQ, Turing complexity, computer arithmetic).
While writting these pages, I took a special care conforming standards (HTML and CSS) and making them accessible to special medias (text-mode browsers). My english is also surely not so good. So, feel free to contact me if you have any remark. You can send me an email at firstname.name@ens-lyon.org.
My complete address is the following:
A (more complete) version of this site is available in french.