- Pierre Aboulker
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis,
2004 route des Lucioles BP 93,
06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex.Tel: A remplir
Courriel: pierreaboulker@gmail.com
Research interests
I am a Post-doc in Sophia-Antipolis under the direction of Frédéric Havet. I have done my PhD with Nicolas Trotignon between 2010 and 2013. I have been a post-doc in Montréal with Vašek Chvátal, and in Santiago de Chile at Andres Bello university with José Aliste.I am interested in graph theory (non-oriented and oriented) and in some problems related to geometry in metric spaces and betweenness. In graph theory I am particularly interested in substructures that must apear in a graph or a digraph with particular property such as: if a graph has large chromatic number, what can you say about its induced subgraphs? Or if a digraph has large minimum outdegree, what can we say about its subgraphs? In geometry, I mainly work on the Chen-Chvátal Conjecture, that proposes a vast generalisation of the geometric de Bruijn-Erdös Theorem.
Published papers
Graphs that do not contain a cycle with a node that has at least two neighbors on it (P. Aboulker, M. Radovanovic, N. Trotignon, K. Vuskovic), SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 26(4):1510–1531, 2012.
Linear balanceable and subcubic balanceable graphs (P. Aboulker, M. Radovanovic, N. Trotignon, T. Trunck, K. Vuskovic), Journal of Graph Theory, 75: 15–166, 2013.
Excluding 4-wheels, (P. Aboulker) Journal of Graph Theory, 75: 311–322, 2014.
Number of lines in hypergraphs (P. Aboulker, A. Bondy, X. Chen, E. Chiniforooshan, V. Chvátal, P. Miao) Journal of Graph Theory, 171: 137–140, 2014.
Excluding cycles with a fixed number of chords (P. Aboulker, N. Bousquet), Discrete Applied Mathematics, 180: pp. 11–24, 2015.
Chen-Chvàtal conjecture for distance hereditary graphs (P. Aboulker, R. Kapadia), European Journal of Combinatorics, 43: 1–7, 2015.
Vertex elimination orderings for hereditary graph classes (P. Aboulker, P. Charbit, N. Trotignon, K. Vušković), Discrete Mathematics, 338(5): 825–834, 2015.
Wheel-free planar graphs (P. Aboulker, M. Chudnovsky, P. Seymour and N. Trotignon), European Journal of Combinatorics, (2015), 57-67.
Excluding clock (P. Aboulker, Z. Li, S. Thomassé), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (2015), pp. 103-108.
Submitted papers
Lines, metric spaces and betweenness (P. Aboulker, X. Chen, G. Huzhang, R. Kapadia, C. Supko), submitted to Combinatorica.
De Bruijn-Erd\H{o}s type theorems for graphs and posets ( P. Aboulker, G. Lagarde, D. Malec, A. Methuku, C. Tompkins) submitted to Discrete Mathematics.
Colouring graphs with constraints on connectivity (P. Aboulker, N. Bretell, F. Havet, N. Trotignon).
Papers in preparation
Chi-bounded families of oriented graphs (P. Aboulker, N. Bretell, F. Havet, N. Trotignon).
Configurations in graphs with large minimum outdegree (P. Aboulker, N. Bretell, F. Havet, N. Trotignon).
Extending the gyarfas-Sumner Conjecture (P. Aboulker, P. Charbit, R. Naserasr).
On wheel-free graphs, (P. Aboulker, F. Havet, N. Trotignon),
Principe de fonctionnement des machines binaires, Niveau L1, 72h cours-TD 2012/2013
Introduction à la programmation Java, Niveau L1, semestres 1 et 2, 96h TP 2011/2012
Introduction à l'algorithmique, Niveau L3, 32h TD 2010/2011
Some recent talks
Configurations in oriented graphs, Workshop STINT, january 2016.
Lines induced by betweenness relations, Conference: Connection in Discrete mathematics, in Simon Fraiser University (Vancouver, Canada), June 2015
Excluding clocks, VIII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, in Fortaleza, Brasil, Mai 2015.
Avancées sur la conjecture de Chen-Chvátal, JGA, Dijon, november 2014.
Lines, betweenness and metric spaces, STRUCO, Prague, octber 2014.
Avancées sur la conjecture de Chen-Chvátal, séminaire Algorithmique distribuée et Graphes, Paris VII, october 2014.
A generalisation of a de Bruijn Erdos Theorem, SIAM Conference on Discrete Math, Minneapolis, United states, june 2014
Graphs with no 4-wheels, séminaire Optimisation Combinatoire du G-SCOP (Grenoble), Avril 2012.
Around wheel-free graphs, séminaire Graphes et Structures Discrètes, ENS Lyon, Février 2012.
Autour des graphes sans roues, séminaire de Combinatoire Algébrique et Géométrique ( Paris 6), Décembre 2011.
Les graphes sans roues, JGA, Lyon, Novembre 2011.