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Pierre Aboulker

INRIA Sophia-Antipolis,
2004 route des Lucioles BP 93,
06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex.

Tel: A remplir

Research interests

I am a Post-doc in Sophia-Antipolis under the direction of Frédéric Havet. I have done my PhD with Nicolas Trotignon between 2010 and 2013. I have been a post-doc in Montréal with Vašek Chvátal, and in Santiago de Chile at Andres Bello university with José Aliste.

I am interested in graph theory (non-oriented and oriented) and in some problems related to geometry in metric spaces and betweenness. In graph theory I am particularly interested in substructures that must apear in a graph or a digraph with particular property such as: if a graph has large chromatic number, what can you say about its induced subgraphs? Or if a digraph has large minimum outdegree, what can we say about its subgraphs? In geometry, I mainly work on the Chen-Chvátal Conjecture, that proposes a vast generalisation of the geometric de Bruijn-Erdös Theorem.

Published papers

  • Graphs that do not contain a cycle with a node that has at least two neighbors on it (P. Aboulker, M. Radovanovic, N. Trotignon, K. Vuskovic), SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 26(4):1510–1531, 2012.

  • Linear balanceable and subcubic balanceable graphs (P. Aboulker, M. Radovanovic, N. Trotignon, T. Trunck, K. Vuskovic), Journal of Graph Theory, 75: 15–166, 2013.

  • Excluding 4-wheels, (P. Aboulker) Journal of Graph Theory, 75: 311–322, 2014.

  • Number of lines in hypergraphs (P. Aboulker, A. Bondy, X. Chen, E. Chiniforooshan, V. Chvátal, P. Miao) Journal of Graph Theory, 171: 137–140, 2014.

  • Excluding cycles with a fixed number of chords (P. Aboulker, N. Bousquet), Discrete Applied Mathematics, 180: pp. 11–24, 2015.

  • Chen-Chvàtal conjecture for distance hereditary graphs (P. Aboulker, R. Kapadia), European Journal of Combinatorics, 43: 1–7, 2015.

  • Vertex elimination orderings for hereditary graph classes (P. Aboulker, P. Charbit, N. Trotignon, K. Vušković), Discrete Mathematics, 338(5): 825–834, 2015.

  • Wheel-free planar graphs (P. Aboulker, M. Chudnovsky, P. Seymour and N. Trotignon), European Journal of Combinatorics, (2015), 57-67.

  • Excluding clock (P. Aboulker, Z. Li, S. Thomassé), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (2015), pp. 103-108.

    Submitted papers

  • Lines, metric spaces and betweenness (P. Aboulker, X. Chen, G. Huzhang, R. Kapadia, C. Supko), submitted to Combinatorica.

  • De Bruijn-Erd\H{o}s type theorems for graphs and posets ( P. Aboulker, G. Lagarde, D. Malec, A. Methuku, C. Tompkins) submitted to Discrete Mathematics.

  • Colouring graphs with constraints on connectivity (P. Aboulker, N. Bretell, F. Havet, N. Trotignon).

    Papers in preparation

  • Chi-bounded families of oriented graphs (P. Aboulker, N. Bretell, F. Havet, N. Trotignon).

  • Configurations in graphs with large minimum outdegree (P. Aboulker, N. Bretell, F. Havet, N. Trotignon).

  • Extending the gyarfas-Sumner Conjecture (P. Aboulker, P. Charbit, R. Naserasr).


  • On wheel-free graphs, (P. Aboulker, F. Havet, N. Trotignon),


  • Principe de fonctionnement des machines binaires, Niveau L1, 72h cours-TD 2012/2013

  • Introduction à la programmation Java, Niveau L1, semestres 1 et 2, 96h TP 2011/2012

  • Introduction à l'algorithmique, Niveau L3, 32h TD 2010/2011

    Some recent talks

  • Configurations in oriented graphs, Workshop STINT, january 2016.

  • Lines induced by betweenness relations, Conference: Connection in Discrete mathematics, in Simon Fraiser University (Vancouver, Canada), June 2015

  • Excluding clocks, VIII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, in Fortaleza, Brasil, Mai 2015.

  • Avancées sur la conjecture de Chen-Chvátal, JGA, Dijon, november 2014.

  • Lines, betweenness and metric spaces, STRUCO, Prague, octber 2014.

  • Avancées sur la conjecture de Chen-Chvátal, séminaire Algorithmique distribuée et Graphes, Paris VII, october 2014.

  • A generalisation of a de Bruijn Erdos Theorem, SIAM Conference on Discrete Math, Minneapolis, United states, june 2014

  • Graphs with no 4-wheels, séminaire Optimisation Combinatoire du G-SCOP (Grenoble), Avril 2012.

  • Around wheel-free graphs, séminaire Graphes et Structures Discrètes, ENS Lyon, Février 2012.

  • Autour des graphes sans roues, séminaire de Combinatoire Algébrique et Géométrique ( Paris 6), Décembre 2011.

  • Les graphes sans roues, JGA, Lyon, Novembre 2011.

    Quelques liens

  • La page personnelle de Nicolas Trotignon mon directeur de thèse.