dr. ir. Peter Vangorp

REVES Research Group

INRIA Sophia-Antipolis - Méditerranée

2004, Route des Lucioles - BP 93 - Byron building, room Y002
F-06902 Sophia-Antipolis
Tel +33 4 92 38 77 27
Fax +33 4 89 73 24 06

Currently at:
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
Department 4: Computer Graphics

Campus E1 4 - room 219
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Tel +49 681 9325 4019
Fax +49 681 9325 499




Gabriel Cirio, Peter Vangorp, Emmanuelle Chapoulie, Maud Marchal, Anatole Lécuyer, and George Drettakis, 2012. Walking in a Cube: Novel Metaphors for Safely Navigating Large Virtual Environments in Restricted Real Workspaces. IEEE VR 2012.
[Project page]

Peter Vangorp, Gaurav Chaurasia, Pierre-Yves Laffont, Roland W. Fleming, and George Drettakis, 2011. Perception of Visual Artifacts in Image-Based Rendering of Façades. EGSR 2011.
[Project page]

Marcio Cabral, Peter Vangorp, Gaurav Chaurasia, Emmanuelle Chapoulie, Martin Hachet, and George Drettakis, 2011. A Multimode Immersive Conceptual Design System for Architectural Modeling and Lighting. Tech note, IEEE 3DUI 2011.
[Project page]

Pierre Bénard, Ares Lagae, Peter Vangorp, Sylvain Lefebvre, George Drettakis, and Joëlle Thollot, 2010. NPR Gabor Noise for Coherent Stylization. Talk, ACM SIGGRAPH 2010.
[Project page]

Pierre Bénard, Ares Lagae, Peter Vangorp, Sylvain Lefebvre, George Drettakis, and Joëlle Thollot, 2010. A Dynamic Noise Primitive for Coherent Stylization. EGSR 2010.
[Project page]

Ares Lagae, Peter Vangorp, Toon Lenaerts, and Philip Dutré, 2010. Procedural Isotropic Stochastic Textures by Example. Computers & Graphics 34, 4.
[Project page]

Peter Vangorp, Timothy S. Condon, James A. Ferwerda, Kavita Bala, Roeland Schoukens, and Philip Dutré, 2009. Visual Equivalence in Dynamic Scenes. Technical Report CW 557.
[Project page]

Ares Lagae, Peter Vangorp, Toon Lenaerts, and Philip Dutré, 2009. Isotropic Stochastic Procedural Textures by Example. Technical Report CW 546.
[Project page]

Peter Vangorp and Philip Dutré, 2008. Shape-Dependent Gloss Correction. APGV 2008.
[Project page]

Peter Vangorp, Jurgen Laurijssen, and Philip Dutré, 2007. The Influence of Shape on the Perception of Material Reflectance. ACM SIGGRAPH 2007.
[Project page]

Peter Vangorp, Olivier Dumont, Toon Lenaerts, and Philip Dutré, 2006. A Perceptual Heuristic for Shadow Computation in Photo-Realistic Images. Sketch, ACM SIGGRAPH 2006.
[Project page]

Ph.D. thesis

Peter Vangorp, 2009. Human Visual Perception of Materials in Realistic Computer Graphics. Ph.D. thesis, K.U.Leuven.
[Project page]

Master thesis

Peter Vangorp and Koen Yskout, 2005. Multispectrale rendering. Master thesis, K.U.Leuven.
Full text, in Dutch: [PDF, 12MB]
Slides, in Dutch: [PPT, 5.9MB]
A little animation of a rotating diamond: [AVI, 1.1MB]

Course notes

Ray Tracing en Global Illumination
Slides, 2006 edition, in Dutch: [PPT, 9.0MB]
Slides, 2007 edition, in Dutch: [PPT, 18MB]

Disclaimer: personal page