Publications 1991

International Conferences

  1. P. Martinet, P. Rives, P. Fickinger, J.J. Borrelly. Parallel Architecture for Visual Servoing Applications. In Workshop on Computer Architecture for Machine Perception, Paris, France, December 1991. details
  2. F. Chaumette, P. Rives, E. Espiau. The Task Function Approach Applied to Vision Based Control. In ICAR91, Pise, Italy, June 1991. details
  3. F. Chaumette, P. Rives, E. Espiau. Positionning of a robot with respect to an object, tracking it and estimating its velocity by visual servoing. In IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, Sacramento, USA, April 1991. details
  4. F. Chaumette, P. Rives, B. Espiau. Le torseur d'interaction des informations visuelles. In 2ième Journées Nationales du PRC Communication H/M, Toulouse, France, January 1991. details

Research Reports

  1. R. Pissard-Gibollet, P. Rives. Asservissement Visuel appliqué à un robot mobile: Etat de l'art et Modélisation cinématique. Research Report INRIA, No 1577, 1991. details

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