How to reach INRIA Sophia Antipolis

Regional public transports
Other public transports
Useful information


Regional Public Transports

Buses from Nice airport , situated at 28 km from Sophia Antipolis,

Phone airport Nice-Côte d'Azur: +33 (0)4 93 21 30 30
[schedules of the flights, airport access, parking, bus guides:]

Buses from Antibes railway station,

Phone of Antibes bus station: 04 89 87 72 00
Phone of Messugues's bus station at Sophia: 04 92 38 96 38

Other buses companies :

Other lines to travel within the Alpes-Maritimes


SNCF network

The closest railway station is located in Antibes.

Regional express railway of PACA

Other means of transport

By car from the airport :

Take the A8 motorway direction Antibes / Aix en Provence / Marseille.
Take motorway/ expressway exit 44 direction Sophia Antipolis.

Find its road

Maps to access to the Inria

Map 1

Map 2

Aerial vue of INRIA


in Sophia Hotel guide , in Alpes-Maritimes
in Antibes en Provence-Côte d'Azur
Residential dormitories

Useful informations

Montserrat Argente