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Advance Logics (2023)

This course invites you to discover the close links existing between certain logical formalisms, automata and game theory. Discussed topics include, on the side of logics, second-order monadic logic, Presburger arithmetic and linear time logic. We will see how these can be compiled to automata, such as finite automata, Büchi automata and tree automata, yielding effective decision procedures.


  • Jan 26: The web-page will be filled continuously with course material over the semester.


Date Contents Material
27/01 course overview (slides)
27/03 finite automata (slides, exercises)
24/04 WMSO (slides, exercises)
27/04 Presburger arithmetic, alternating automata (slides, exercises (optional), pra.mona)
02/05 Büchi Automata (slides, exercises)
15/05 LTL (slides, exercises)


  • 1/2 final exam
  • 1/2 mini project + exercises


Martin Avanzini ( martinyavanzinixinriayfr ) and Etienne Lozes ( etienneylozesxuniceyfr) [x ↦ @, y ↦ .]