Exercises 1: JavaScript
      Manuel Serrano Inria Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée Manuel.Serrano@inria.fr http://www.inria.fr/indes/Manuel.Serrano
      Basic string manipulations
      Write a function that escapes <" and "> for HTML. Without using regular expressions:
      JavaScript, client-side DOM
      1. Write a one-line HTML page. When the mouse is over a letter of the displayed word, that letter is displayed upcased.
      2. Write a JavaScript programs that generates the solution of the previous question. To generate the file, either use:
        % hop -p 8888 upcase.js
        % hopc upcase.js -- -library hopwidget && a.out
        % node upcase.js
      3. Write a second version which uses a CSS rule.
      • Note: in an event listener, the pseudo variable this denotes the object owning the listener.
      • Note: the client side function el.innerHTML=expr replaces the content of an element with a new HTML subtree.
      In JavaScript define the following list API.
      • cons
      • car
      • set-car! and set-cdr!
      1. Implement the API using objects and prototypes.
      2. Implement the API using only functions.
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