European Lisp Symposium 2013 - (ELS '13)
Madrid, Spain
June 3-4, 2013

The purpose of the European Lisp Symposium is to provide a forum for the discussion and dissemination of all aspects of design, implementationand application of any of the Lisp and Lisp-inspired dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs Lisp, AutoLisp, ISLISP, Dylan, Clojure, ACL2, ECMAScript, Racket, SKILL, Hop and so on. We encourage everyone interested in Lisp to participate.

The main theme of the 2013 European Lisp Symposium is on the use of these languages with respect to the current grand challenges: big tables, open data, semantic web, network programming, discovery, robustness, runtime failures, etc.

The European Lisp Symposium 2013 solicits the submission of papers with these specific themes in mind, alongside the more traditional tracks which have appeared in the past editions.

We invite submissions in the following forms:

Papers: Technical papers of up to 15 pages that describe original results or explain known ideas in new and elegant ways;
Demonstrations: Abstracts of up to 4 pages for demonstrations of tools, libraries, and applications;
Tutorials: Abstracts of up to 4 pages for in-depth presentations about topics of special interest for at least 90 minutes and up to 180 minutes;
Lightning talks: Abstracts of up to one page for talks to last for no more than 5 minutes.

Important dates

submission deadlineMarch, 17th 2013
acceptance resultsApril, 5th 2013
symposium opensJune, 3-4 2013


Papers have to be submitted electronically via EasyChair:

All submissions should be formatted following the ACM SIGS guidelines and include ACM classification categories and terms. For more information on the submission guidelines and the ACM keywords, see: and


Follow ELS'13 on Google+.

Invited speakers

Florian Loitsch (Google)Asynchronous Programming in Dart
Florian Loitsch has a passion for dynamic languages, like Scheme, JavaScript and now Dart. He wrote a Scheme-to-JavaScript compiler during his thesis, and then completed a JavaScript-to-Scheme compiler in his spare time.

In 2010 he joined Google's team in Aarhus (Denmark) where he worked on V8 and later Dart. Being part of the Dart team Florian has helped specifying the language, which was presented in late 2011. In 2012 he became the Tech Lead for the Dart libraries where, among other tasks, he participated on the creation of a new asynchronous library that is based on Streams and Futures (aka promises).

Gérard Assayag (Ircam)Lisp and Music Research
Lisp has long been and still is a privileged language for building "experiments in musical intelligence", to quote the title of a book by David Cope, a famous researcher in the field. Thus its use in several "Computer Assisted Composition" systems or more generally for environments oriented towards the modelisation, representation, analysis and generation of music. Although the choice of Lisp has been generally reserved to high level, symbolic and formal representations, it is also possible to benefit from this powerful functional language paradigm and from its characteristic data / program duality (think of the musical duality between structures and processes) in complex setups, where the whole range of representations and time scales is invoked from the acoustic signal to the formal organisation. Some interesting past and present systems will be presented in this perspective, including OpenMusic and OMax, designed by the author with his team at IRCAM.

Gerard Assayag is the founder of the Music Representations Team at Ircam, where he has designed with his collaborators OpenMusic and OMax, two lisp based environments which have become international standards for computer assisted music composition / analysis and for music improvisation. He is head of the Ircam STMS research Lab since Jan 2011. Ircam is the biggest joint facility for music research and production in the world, where many leading technologies and softwares have been created.

Jason Cornez (RavenPack)Streams-Based, Multi-Threaded News Classification
Streams are a way of organizing indefinite collections of data such that each item can naturally flow through a network of computations. Using some simple abstractions, we construct a computation network that operates on streams with each node being handled by a separate computation thread. The result is efficient, maintainable and all done in Common Lisp.

The financial industry is hungry to trade on news, but often ill-equipped to do so. The continuous publication of news is like big data in real time. RavenPack processes this flow and produces actionable News Analytics for any industry with an appetite for news. Jason Cornez joined RavenPack in 2003 to solve real-world problems using Common Lisp.

Accepted presentations

Ludovic CourtèsFunctional Package Management with Guix
Mikhail RaskinData-transformer: an example of data-centered tool set
Erik SandewallThe Leonardo System and Software Individuals
Sam Tobin-HochstadtTyped Racket (tutorial)
Arturo de SalabertPlatforms for games and adversarial search, functional and formal evaluation of Lisp code exercises
Mika KuuskankareDBL - a Lisp-based interactive document markup language
Irene Anne Durand and Bruno CourcelleInfinite transducers on terms denoting graphs
François-René RideauASDF3: building portable Common Lisp programs (tutorial)
Max RottenkolberLazy Signal Combinators in Common Lisp
Vsevolod DomkinDemonstration: CL-NLP - a Natural Language Processing library for Common Lisp



Special thanks to Nick Levine for the recording of the conference and for making all the materials available online.


June 3rd
9h-10hKeynote by Florian Loitsch. Asynchronous Programming in Dart
10h00-10h45Ludovic Courtes. Functional Package Management with Guix
[ mp3 | pdf ]
11h15-12hMikhail Raskin. Data-transformer: an example of data-centered tool set
[ mp3 ]
12h-12h45Erik Sandewall. The Leonardo System and Software Individuals
[ mp3 ]
14h30-15h30Keynote by Jason Cornez. Streams-Based, Multi-Threaded News Classification
[ mp3 | pdf ]
15h30-16h15Sam Tobin-Hochstadt. Tutorial: Typed Racket
[ GitHub ]
16h45-17h30Arturo de Salabert. Platforms for games and adversarial search, functional and formal evaluation of Lisp code exercises
[ mp3 ]
17h30-18hLightning talks
[ mp3 ]
June 4th
9-10hKeynote by Gérard Assayag. Lisp and Music Research
[ mp3 ]
10h00-10h45Mika Kuuskankare. DBL - a Lisp-based interactive document markup language
[ mp3 ]
11h15-12hIrène Anne Durand and Bruno Courcelle. Infinite transducers on terms denoting graphs
[ mp3 | pdf ]
12h-12h45François-René Rideau. ASDF3: building portable Common Lisp programs (TUTORIAL)
[ mp3 | pdf ]
14h30-15h15Max Rottenkolber. Lazy Signal Combinators in Common Lisp
[ mp3 | pdf | pdf | lisp ]
15h30-16h25Vsevolod Domkin. Demonstration: CL-NLP - a Natural Language Processing library for Common Lisp
[ mp3 | pdf ]

Program Committee

Pascal CostanzaIntel, Belgium
Ludovic CourtèsInria, France
Theo D'HondtVrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Erick GallesioUniversity of Nice-Sophia Antipolis
Florian LoitschGoogle, Denmark
Kurt NoermarkAalborg University, Denmark
Christian QueinnecUpmc, France
Olin ShiversNortheastern University, USA
Manuel SerranoInria, France
Didier VernaEpita, France