  1. CMSB 2024 Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, Pisa, Italy (September 2024).

A list of Meetings and Presentations
  1. Invited presentation at Control and Optimization Seminar, Louisiana State University. Online (April 2024).

  2. Working group and workshop on "Computing combinatorial dynamics in high dimensional biological networks" at Lorentz Center, Leiden (23-27 October 2023).

  3. Invited presentation at Network Science 2023 Participation at a Focus session, Vienna (12-14 July 2023).

  4. Canceropole PACA Webinar, 30 May 2023.

  5. Invited presentation JNIM 2023 Journées Nationales de l'Informatique Mathématique, Paris (4-7 April 2023).

  6. Invited presentation Hybrid models and methods in systems medicine, Institut Curie, Paris (5-6 July 2022).

  7. Invited presentation, GT BIOSS Monthly Seminars, online (11 March 2022).

  8. Invited presentation, Symposium UCAncer: Multidisciplinary Approaches in Cancer Research, Sophia Antipolis (25-26 October 2021).

  9. Invited Speaker, ITMO Symposium: Spatio-temporal encoding and decoding in cell signaling, (BioPark, Paris) Online, 18 March 2021.

  10. Keynote Speaker, Labex Signalife Meeting, Nice (3-4 February 2020).

  11. Invited Session at 58th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Nice, France (December 2019).

  12. Invited presentation, Symposium on Modeling Approaches For Cancer Therapy, PhLAM, Universite de Lille (26 September 2019).

  13. Invited presentation, Minisymposium at the Int. Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Valencia, Spain (July 2019).

  14. Invited presentation at MSI Seminars, Maison de la Modelisation, Simulation et Interactions, Sophia Antipolis (June 2019).

  15. Invited presentation at UCancer, Sophia Antipolis (December 2018).

  16. Invited seminar at the Dep. Mathematics, Unversidade de Aveiro, Portugal (June 2018).

  17. Presentation at Université Côte d'Azur ComplexDay, Nice (January 11, 2018)

  18. Presentation at Café In, Inria Sophia Antipolis (October 2017).

  19. Presentation 180s at Journées Scientifiques Inria, Sophia Antipolis (June 2017).

  20. Invited presentation at the Workshop on Molecular Logic, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal (June 2017).

  21. Invited presentation at the Signalife Maths-Bio Workshop, Inria, Nice, France (November 2016).

  22. Invited presentation at the workshop Asynchronous dynamics of logical models: assessing biologically relevant properties, CIRM, Marseille, France (November 2016).

  23. Summer School Modélisation formelle de réseaux de régulation biologique, Porquerolles, France (June 2016).

  24. Thematic Research School Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics, advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology, Evry'16, France (March 2016).

  25. Invited seminar at the Dep. Mathematics, Unversidade de Aveiro, Portugal (December 2014).

  26. Invited presentation at the IEEE International Meeting on Analysis and Applications of Nonsmooth Systems, Como, Italy (September 2014).

  27. Semi-plenary at the International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014), University of Groningen, the Netherlands (July 2014).

  28. Invited seminar at the Biomathematics Group, Imperial College London, UK (March 2014)

  29. Invited presentation at the 1st Lyon control day, Lyon, France (February 2014).

  30. Invited presentation at the 2012 ECFS conference - New Frontiers in Basic Science of Cystic Fibrosis, Special group discussion: New Approaches for Exploring the CFTR Interactome, Sainte Maxime, France (March 2012).

  31. Invited colloquium at the Systems Biology Center, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg (October 2011).

  32. Invitated presentation at SontagFest, DIMACS Workshop on Perspectives and Future Directions in Systems and Control Theory, celebrating Eduardo Sontag's 60th birthday (May 2011).

  33. Invitated presentation at the workshop Formalisme logique, apports et défis pour la modélisation de réseaux de régulation biologique, Rabat, Morocco (April 2011).

  34. Presentation at MTNS10, Budapest, Hungary (July 2010).

  35. Invited seminar at the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control, University of Stuttgart, Germany (June 2010).

  36. Invited seminar at INRA Jouy-en-Josas (conseil scientifique), Paris, France (April 2010).

  37. Invited colloquium at the Systems Biology Center, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg (November 2009).

  38. Invited seminar at the Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France (September 2009).

  39. Mini-tutorial at ECC09, Budapest, Hungary (August 2009).

  40. Invited presentation at the JOBIM 2009 satellite meeting Dynamical modelling and simulation of biological networks, Nantes, France (June 2009).

  41. Presentation at the 2nd INRIA-NIH Biomedical Computing Workshop, Paris-Rocquencourt, France (June 2009).

  42. Invited presentation at the DIMACS workshop Control Theory and Dynamics in Systems Biology, at Rutgers University, USA (May 2009).

  43. Invited presentation at the workshop: "Control Theory: On the Way to New Application Fields", at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany (February 2009).

  44. Invited presentation at the MaReBio workshop Discrete models of biological networks : from structure to dynamics, CIRM, Marseille, France (November 2008).

  45. Presentation at the workshop Mathematical Tools for Multi-Scale Biological Processes, Montana State University, Bozeman, USA (June 2008).

  46. Invited presentation at the Symposium The logic of gene regulatory networks, in honor of Prof. René Thomas, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (May 2008).

  47. Invited presentation at the workshop Control Theory for Systems Biology, Groningen, Netherlands (November 2007).

  48. Invited presentation at the workshop Mathematical Models of Cell Regulatory Systems, Nice, France (October 2007).

  49. Invited presentation at the workshop Biological switches and clocks, organized at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, USA (July 2007).
    Check out the talks, etc. from this workshop (and many others), which are available from the KITP website.

  50. "Piecewise linear systems and asynchronous methods for robustness analysis of Boolean models of gene/protein networks". Presentation at the workshop Hybrid Systems Biology, Conf. Decision and Control (CDC'06), San Diego, USA (Dec. 2006).

  51. "Stability of rate-controlled zero-deficiency networks". SIAM session at the Conf. Decision and Control (CDC'06), San Diego, USA (Dec. 2006). (Awarded "Best Presentation" in the corresponding six paper session.)

  52. "Structure and timescale analysis in genetic regulatory networks". Invited session at the Conf. Decision and Control (CDC'06), San Diego, USA (Dec. 2006).

  53. "A theoretical framework for analysis of biochemical networks". Invited speaker at the 2nd Hamilton Institute Workshop on Nonnegative Matrices, Maynooth, Ireland (Jul. 2006).

  54. "Robustness analysis of the segment polarity network". Invited seminar at Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Systems Biology Group, Magdeburg, Germany (Apr. 2006).

  55. "Modeling receptor-ligand interactions and other modules in a cell signaling pathway". Invited colloquium at project COMORE, INRIA , Sophia-Antipolis, France (Jan. 2006).

  56. "Zero-deficiency chemical networks and the analysis of receptor/ligand interactions" . Invited colloquium at the Dep. Mathematics, George Washington University , Washington DC, USA (Apr. 2005).

  57. "System gain and optimal length for signal transduction cascades". Invited presentation at the Northeast Nonlinear and Hybrid Control Workshop , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA (Apr. 2005).

  58. "Some theoretical aspects of cell signaling: receptor-ligand interactions and signal amplification cascades". Invited seminar at the Hamilton Institute , Maynooth, Ireland (Feb. 2005).

  59. "Gains and optimal design in signaling pathways". Presentation at the Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'04), Paradise Island, The Bahamas (Dec. 2004).

  60. "Modeling calcium signaling and its connection to receptor-ligand interactions". Invited seminar at the Systems Biology Group, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France (Sep. 2004).

  61. "Some theoretical aspects of cell signaling: receptor-ligand interactions and signal amplification cascades". Invited seminar at the Institut fur Systemtheorie Technischer Prozesse, Universität Stuttgart, Germany (Aug. 2004).

  62. "A model of receptor-ligand interactions, and cell signaling". Invited presentation at the workshop: Dynamics, control and computation in biochemical networks. Banff International Research Station, Canada (Aug. 2004).

  63. "Un mod\`ele pour les interactions r\'ecepteur-ligand". Presentation at the Forum des Jeunes Math\'ematiciennes: Math\'ematiques, Informatique et Sciences du Vivant. Institut Henri Poincar\'e, Paris, France (Jan. 2004).

  64. "A parameter-robust observer as an application of ISS techniques". Presentation at the Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS'02), South Bend, Indiana, USA (Aug. 2002).

  65. "Observers for chemical reaction networks". Presentation at the European Control Conf. (ECC'01), Porto, Portugal (Sep. 2001).

  66. "An alternative observer for zero deficiency chemical networks". Presentation at the IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Symposium (NOLCOS'01), St. Petersburg, Russia (July 2001).

  67. "Observers, Kaman filters and others". Presentation at the Pizza Seminar (graduate students' seminar), Dep. Mathematics, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA (Feb. 2001).