Color INRIA Sophia Antipolis
LaTeX in limbo
(draft on demand)
- An Overlay Architecture for
Vehicular Networks, by Liquori, Borsetti, Casetti,
Chiasserini. We propose and discuss an overlay architecture
relying on a vehicular
network, called Arigatoni on wheels
(Ariwheels for short). Ariwheels
extends Arigatoni, a virtual network organization that aims at
realizing the global computer paradigm and it is composed of
hierarchically structured entities. Designed for a
vehicular network
underlay environment, Ariwheels provides efficient, transparent
advertising and retrieves resources carried by on-board and roadside
nodes. The paper outlines application scenarios for \Ariwheels\
evaluates them through simulation in a realistic vehicular environment.
- A Stochastic Model of an
Arigatoni Overlay Computer, by Nain, Casetti, Liquori. The
programmable overlay computer, called Arigatoni, is a structured
multi-layer overlay network which provides resource discovery with
variable guarantees in a virtual
organization informally called "colony", where peers can appear,
disappear and organize themselves dynamically. Arigatoni is
mainly concerned with how resources are declared and discovered in the
overlay, allowing global computers to make secure use of global
aggregated computational power, storage, information resources, etc. In
this paper, we introduce a Stochastic
model of an Arigatoni overlay computer, conceived as a
structured, dynamic tree-based colony. Modelling the colony
membership as "M/G/\infty'' allows us to derive general expressions for
request solving probabilities, and to analyze specific sample cases.
This paper show that, under reasonable assumptions, the Arigatoni
overlay network is scalable.