26 February Afternoon (14h30 -- 18h)
27 February (all day 9h-18h), 2007
Inria Sophia Antipolis,
Salle EULER Violet
Color INRIA Sophia Antipolis
- Mascotte INRIA project team, Sophia
- Luigi Liquori
- Jean-Claude Bermond (CNRS)
- Olivier
Dalle (I3S)
- Juan-Carlos
Maureira (CMM, Univ. de Chile)
- Maestro INRIA project team,
Sophia Antipolis
- Philippe Nain
- Telecommunication Network Group
Politecnico di Torino, Piemonte, Italia
- Claudio Casetti
- Paolo Giaccone
- CSP – INLAB (Integrated Network LABoratory), Torino, Piemonte,
- Stefano
- 26 Feb (afternoon): Each
participant have a talk
relevant to the Ariwheels proposal (general on the topic or focused
on a precise topic); this will allow to arm up with a common language (this will be an open
- Schedule:
- 14.30. Claudio
Casetti (POLITO, TNG). Efficient
Retrieval of User Contents in Vehicular Networks GET-IT!.
consider a cooperative environment in wireless mobile networks where
information is exchanged among nodes in a peer-to-peer fashion. We
apply a pure peer-to-peer approach (i.e., without the intervention of
and we seek to devise an efficient query/response propagation
algorithm. Our
approach, called Eureka, identifies the regions of the network where
required information is more likely to be stored and steers the queries
toward those regions.
To discriminate among regions, we introduce the concept of
"information density" and a procedure that allows nodes its estimation.
The effectiveness of our scheme is evaluated through simulation
in a vehicular environment with realistic mobility models. GET-PAPER!
- 15.00. Luigi Liquori (INRIA,
Mascotte). Arigatoni: A
Programmable Overlay Network GET-IT!.
The programmable
overlay network model, called Arigatoni, developed since 2005, is a
structured multi-layer overlay network which provides resource
discovery with variable guarantees in a virtual organization where
peers can appear, disappear and organize themselves dynamically.
Arigatoni is mainly concerned with how resources are declared and
discovered in the overlay, allowing global computers to make secure use
of global aggregated computational power,
storage, information resources.
15.30. Paolo Giaccone (POLITO,
TNG). On the Capacity of Mobile
Networks GET-IT!. We provide a
general framework for the analysis of the capacity
scaling properties in
mobile adhoc
networks with heterogeneous nodes and spatial inhomogeneities. Existing
analytical studies strongly rely on
the assumption that nodes are identical and uniformly visit
the entire network space. Experimental
data, however,
have shown that the mobility pattern of individual nodes
is typically restricted over the area,
while the
overall node density is often largely inhomogeneous, due to
prevailing clustering behavior resulting from
Such ubiquitous features of realistic mobility processes demand
to reconsider the scaling laws for the
throughput achievable by the store-carry-forward communication paradigm
which provides the foundation of many
promising applications of delay tolerant networking. We
identify the
scaling laws for a general class of mobile wireless networks,
and determine under which conditions the mobility of
nodes can indeed be exploited to increase
the per-node throughput.
- 16.00. Coffee Break.
- 16.30. Philippe Nain (INRIA,
Maestro). A preliminary stochastic
model for Arigatoni overlay networks GET-IT!.
- 17.00. Stefano Annese
(CSP-INLAB). Car-2-Car Communication
Activities Overview GET-IT!. In this
talk we will presents the main CSP
research activities on Car-2-Cars communications and related testbed
17.30. (15m.) Juan-Carlos Maureira
(Mascotte). Omnet++@Santiago GET-IT!. We present our
experience on modeling & simulation of the bus public transportation
network of Santiago de Chile with the Omnet++ simulator.
17.45. (15m.) Olivier Dalle (I3S,
Mascotte). Open Simulation
Architecture GET-IT!. In this talk we
will show that Fractal, a generic
component model coming
from the Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) community, meets
most of the functional expectations identified so far in thesimulation
community for component-based modeling and simulation. We finally
sketch our new simulation architecture built on top of the Fractal
model, the Open Simulation Architecture (OSA).
- 18.00. (15m.)
Jean-Claude Bermond
(CNRS, Mascotte): AEOLUS: FP6 ST FET
Global Computing:
Algorithmic Principles for
Efficient Overlay Computers. The goal of this project is
to investigate the
principles and
develop the algorithmic methods for building an overlay computer
that enables this efficient and transparent access to the resources of
an Internet-based global computer.
- 27 Feb (all day): We
will try to fix a road map for the next 11 months. In
French we would
say "qui fait quoi". (This session, in principle, is reserved to people
belonging to teams involved in Ariwheels Color action.)
Capsule of the project.
The project proposal aims a
widespread promotion of high-speed, wireless technologies. The range of
network services envisioned through such technologies is appealing.
Among these
services, user interest is focusing on those that provide seamless
while users are on the move, either on their own vehicle or on public
transportation. In such a scenario, commercial services and access to
information are available to vehicles transiting in specific areas
where such
information is broadcast by roadside wireless gateways or by other
Data retrieved can be stored on the on-board vehicle computer; then,
they can
be used and rebroadcasted at a later time
without the
need of persistent connectivity.
Achieving this efficiently and
transparently is a major challenge that can be overcome by introducing
intermediate layer, with overlay functionalities.
The goal of this project is to investigate the principles and to
develop the
algorithmic methods for building such an overlay network for vehicular
communications that enables this efficient and transparent access to
resources of on-board and roadside nodes. In particular, the objectives
of this
project are:
- The definition of mobile
ad hoc network (MANET) architectures and protocols, enabling
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I)
- The identification of the
important overlay functionalities that can be provided
as tools to the programmer, and to develop, to rigorously analyze, and
to experimentally validate algorithmic methods that can make these
functionalities efficient, scalable, fault-tolerant, and transparent to
- The implementation of a set of
functionalities, their integration under a common software platform in
order to provide the basic primitives of an overlay vehicular node, as
well as the definition of services on this overlay computer, thus
providing a proof-of-concept for our theoretical results;
- The design and implementation of
a lightweight overlay network, called Arigatoni on Wheels,
based on the existing Arigatoni overlay network model, that is suitable
to be deployed on V2V and V2I networks;
- The definition of application
scenarios for V2V and V2I communication that can be tested and
evaluated through simulation and implementation.
The integration of such
innovative communication mechanisms and technologies with existing
in-vehicle Telematic platforms – although
not part of the project – will
enhance the device capabilities and will set the basis for an evolution
of the
overall platform. We envision that these new features will offer
functions and services, such as:
- Distribution (from the
infrastructure to vehicles, and among vehicles) of safety and/or
traffic related information;
- Collection (from vehicles to
infrastructure) of data useful to perform traffic management operations;
- Exchange of information between
private vehicles and public transportation systems (buses, vehicles,
road side equipments, etc.) to support and, thus, foster inter-modality
in urban areas;
- Distribution of real-time,
updated information to enable dynamic navigation services.
Luigi Liquori
INRIA Sophia Antipolis