Updating the bibliography
I am currently the responsible for the bibliography that is in the website of Mascotte.
Every question/request concerning the publications that are there should be sent to my email: Leonardo.Sampaio_Rocha@inria.fr
This small document is intended to have all the information that the members of Mascotte need to know for keeping their publications up to date.
Note that each member of Mascotte is RESPONSIBLE for keeping the RIGHT and COMPLETE information about its publications in the website, and consequently this document should be carefully read.
In order to update/create/delete your publications you need to send me an e-mail with a reference in the bibtex format: http://www.bibtex.org/
There are some important remarks concerning the informations that are sent, which are listed below.
1) basic information: All the basic information about the publication needs to be given. For example: title, authors, journal/book, volume, pages, year, etc...
Only in exceptional cases some of those basic fields may be left blank (for example, if the publication is to appear, or depending of the type of article).
2) abstract: Every publication must come with a filled "abstract = {}" field, that should contain the abstract of the publication.
3) pdf: Your reference must come with a pdf = {} field. The best thing to do is to place your pdf, for example XYZ.pdf, at the folder /net/servers/ftp-sop/mascotte/Publications, which is acessible from every computer in the lab, and then fill the field as in the example:
pdf = {ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/mascotte/Publications/XYZ.pdf}
3) x-pays: Some publications are made with coauthors from other countries than France. In such cases, your reference must come with a field x-pays = {XX}, where XX may be replaced depending of the country(ies) of the coauthors. For the list of abreviations that are used for each country, see http://www.iso.org/iso/fr/english_country_names_and_code_elements .
4) special fields: There are some other special fields that should come with your reference:
That are to be filled depending of the case with "yes" or "no".
5) sorte: The field "sorte" is used to sort the articles depending of their type. It has the format: sorte = "X", where X must be replaced according to the following rules:
sorte = "rev-int", for a international journal
sorte = "rev-nat", for a national journal
sorte = "conf-int", for a international conference with an editorial board
sorte = "conf-nat", for a national conference with an editorial board
sorte = "inv-conf", for a conference invitation
sorte = "conf-sa", for a conference without proceedings (ex: JGA, EURO)
sorte = "livres-chap", for a book, or book chapter
sorte = "livres-edit", for a edited book
sorte = "logiciels", for a software
sorte = "brevets", for a patent
sorte = "these", for a thesis
sorte = "HDR", for an HDR(Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches)
sorte = "Rapports", for repports
I am responsible for verifying your publications before putting in the site of the project, which means that I should notify you and fix mistakes in the references you send.
But I may not be able to verify every single piece of information that is in your references, or to find a way to discover the missing fields.
The following example illustrates a BAD reference:
author = {Barack Obama and LULA da Silva and Somebody FromTheTeam},
title = {On graph models for real problems around the world},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the presidents of the world},
I could made a lot of deductions from the informations that are given.
Since I know the nationality of the authors, I could properly fill the field x-pays making x-pays = {US, BR}.
I could put the field sorte = "conf-int", since it is an international conference, and so on...
But then, it will consume a lot of my time to put this reference in the site. And it is very likely that I will commit mistakes and put wrong information in it,
what is very bad for the team.
That's why we ask you to give the complete information abour your references. And here comes a good (real) example:
author = {J-C. Bermond and C. J. Colbourn and L. Gionfriddo and G. Quattrocchi and I. Sau},
title = {Drop Cost and Wavelength Optimal Two-Period Grooming with Ratio 4},
journal = {SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics},
year = {2010},
volume = {24},
number = {2},
pages = {400-419},
abstract = { We study grooming for two-period optical networks, a variation of the traffic grooming problem for WDM ring networks introduced by Colbourn, Quattrocchi, and Syr
otiuk. In the two-period grooming problem, during the first period of time there is all-to-all uniform traffic among $n$ nodes, each request using $1/C$ of the bandwidth; and during the second period, there is all-to-all uniform traffic only among a subset $V$ of $v$ nodes, each request now being allowed to use $1/C'$ of the bandwidth, where $C' < C$.
We determine the minimum drop cost (minimum number of ADMs) for any $n,v$ and $C=4$ and $C' \in \{1,2,3\}$.
To do this, we use tools of graph decompositions.
Indeed the two-period grooming problem corresponds to minimizing the total number of vertices in a partition of the edges of the complete graph $K_n$ into subgraphs, where each
subgraph has at most $C$ edges and where furthermore it contains at most $C'$ edges of the complete graph on $v$ specified vertices.
Subject to the condition that the two-period grooming has the least drop cost, the minimum number of wavelengths required is also determined in each case.},
pdf = {ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/mascotte/Publications/BCG+10.pdf},
x-pays = {ES, IT, US},
sorte = "rev-int",
In this case, instead of having to discover the missing fields by myself or by exchanging mails with you, I just need to verify if there are small mistakes and put the reference in the default format for the site.
Fell free to ask me any other questions about the bibliography.
Thanks for making my job easier!