Transformations automatiques de specifications semantiques.
Application: Un verificateur de types incremental
Laurent Hascoet
INRIA, BP93, 06902 Sophia-Antipolis, France
PhD thesis, in French, 1987 (176 pages)
The MENTOR syntax-directed editor provides a formalism to specify static
semantic operations, such as type-checking, for any given language.
This formalism consists of inference rules a la Plotkin. We explore here
various ways of modifying those inference rules, in order to improve a
type-checker. We focus on two possible improvements. One is better error
recovery, the other is incremental type-checking.
In the case of incremental type-checking, our method transforms a
type-checker into an incremental one provided the original meets certain
conditions. The conditions and why they are necessary are presented.
Then we provide a partly automatic system, which does this transformation.
The basic idea is a two-step method. The first step is to transform the
initial algorithm, which may repeatedly traverse the syntax tree, into
another one in which the tree is traversed only once, from the bottom up.
The second step is to evaluate
only the new error messages, i.e. the errors that were not reported on the
previous type-checking.
Semantics, Type-Checking, Inference Rules, Natural Semantics,
Program transformation.
Sorry, no electronic version available.
author = {Hasco\"et, L.},
title = {Transformations automatiques de specifications semantiques.
Application: Un verificateur de types incremental},
school = {Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipolis},
year = 1987