SYRAM project publications:
- N. Botbol; L. Busé; M. Chardin; S. H. Hassanzadeh; A. Simis; Q. H. Tran. Effective criterions for bigraded birational maps and applications. To appear in the Journal of Symbolic Computation. Preprint arXiv:1602.07490, 2016.
- S. H. Hassanzadeh; A. Simis. Bounds on degrees of birational maps with arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay graphs. Journal of Algebra, 478, p. 220-236, 2017. Preprint arXiv:1504.07960.
- M. Chardin; J. Naeliton; Q. H. Tran. Cohen-Macaulayness and canonical module of a residual intersection. Preprint ArXiv: 1701.08087, 2017.
Other related publications:
- N. Botbol; A. Dickenstein. Implicitization of rational hypersurfaces via linear syzygies: a practical overview.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 74, p. 493-512, 2016. Preprint arXiv:1502.00890. - Z. Ramos; A. Simis. An analogue of the Aluffi algebra for modules, J. Algebra, 67:2016, pp 155-182. Preprint arXiv:1601.02674.
- N. Botbol; M. Chardin. Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity with respect to multigraded ideals. Journal of Algebra, 474, p. 361-392, 2017. Preprint arXiv:1107.2494.
- A. Doria and A. Simis. The Newton complementary dual revisited. To appear in Journal of Algebra and its Applications. Preprint arXiv:1605.05783,2016.
- R. Cunha; Z. Ramos; A.Simis. Degenerations of the generic square matrix. Polar map and determinantal structure. Preprint arXiv:1610.07681, 2016.
- Z. Ramos; A. Simis. Homaloidal nets and ideals of fat points II. In preparation.
- R. Cunha; M. Mostafazadehfard; A. Simis. Degeneration of the generic square Hankel matrix. In preparation.
- N. Botbol; L. Busé; M. Chardin; F. Yildirim. Orthogonal projection of points on Bézier curves and surfaces using matrix representations. In preparation.