Course on Formal Methods and Secure Software
Joëlle Despeyroux
Graduate course given at the
Dea in CS at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (UNSA),
with Isabelle Attali, Robert de Simone, and Laurent Théry; Fall 2000.
A short description of the course is available as a
ps file (in French).
(Slides are only available in French.)
- Introduction: the quest of formalization. Instructor: Robert de Simone.
- Formalisms (Instructors: Isabelle Attali and Robert de Simone):
- Transition systems, Operational and Natural Semantics.
Instructor: Isabelle Attali.
- Hoare logic, the B method, abstract interpretation, TLA.
Instructor: Isabelle Attali.
- synchroneous reactive languages: CCS, SDL, Lotos,
asynchroneous reactive languages: Esterel, Statecharts.
Instructor: Robert de Simone.
- Model-based analysis (Instructor: Robert de Simone):
- model-checking, abstraction
- Proof of correctness of programs (Instructors: Joëlle Despeyroux and
Laurent Théry):
functional languages,
natural deduction, typed lambda-calculus, the
Curry-Howard isomorphism,
introduction to
Type Theory,
further notes on the
Curry-Howard isomorphism;
the pi-calculus.
Instructor: Joëlle Despeyroux.
- An introduction to
proof assistants.
Instructor: Laurent Théry.
- certified software:
Induction principles:
1st examples of proofs in the domain of certified software,
formalization of functional languages,
MiniML: evaluation, compilation and typing.
Instructor: Joëlle Despeyroux.
Isabelle Attali,
Robert de Simone,
Joëlle Despeyroux, and
Laurent Théry.