Some rules for the BibTex files
- use preferably {..} or "..." to delimit fields. For the title
use {..}
- Not all bibtex fields are stored in the database, only the one that are
necessary to have a correct reference for a publication, with the exception
of the note field, that will be displayed in the result
- use preferably the syntax "last name,first name" for the author name
- if the full text of a reference is available use the
url field to indicate its location
- use the field keywords, separate keywords by ';' or ','
- simply indicate the publication year in the year field as
year="2010" or {2010}, if you want to indicate a more precise date use the
"month" field
- you may use @STRING but avoid using "crossref"
- for the location of a conference use the field address
- the allowed entry types are:
article,conference,inproceedings,book,inbook,incollection,proceedings,techreport,phdthesis,mastersthesis,misc. All other entry types will be converted into one of this entry type
- publications "to appear" or "submitted" will not be included in the database