Hao FANG 方昊

picture of me
INRIA Sophia Antipolis
2004 Route des Lucioles
06902 Sophia Antipolis, France

Here is my CV.

About me

I am a 3rd year Phd student within the TITANE team at INRIA Sophia Antipolis supervised by Florent LAFARGE. Before INRIA, I got a M.S. at Beihang University and an Engineer's degree at Ecole Centrale Pekin in 2016. From 2014 to 2015, I was majored in Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning at Ecole Centrale Paris. Before that, I earned a B.S. in Applied Mathematics at Beihang University in 2013.

Research interests

My research interests focus on 3D Computer Vision, Geometric Processing and Machine Leanrnig, including shape detection, surface reconstruction and 3D scene understanding by deep learning.


Planar Shape Detection at Structural Scales
Fang H., Lafarge F., Desbrun M.
Proc. of the IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Salt Lake City, US, 2018
[paper, bibtex, poster]