Research Interests
Brief Curriculum Vitae
2011 - 2014 Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics - Université Paris-Est (France)Thesis: Contribution to road traffic flow modeling on networks thanks to Hamilton-Jacobi equations
Advisors : Régis Monneau (ICPEF) and Jean-Patrick Lebacque (IGPEF)
2010 - 2011 M.Sc. in Civil Engineering - Université de Lyon (France)
Thesis: Modélisation du trafic routier : passage du microscopique au macroscopique
Advisors : Régis Monneau (ICPEF) and Jean-Patrick Lebacque (IGPEF)
2008 - 2011 M.Eng. in Civil Engineering - Ecole Nationale des travaux Publics de l'Etat (ENTPE) (France)
(Corps des Travaux Publics de l'Etat)
2014 - present Postdoctoral Researcher at Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée,OPALE and then ACUMES project-team
2011 - 2014 Fellow of French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (MEDDE)
at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and IFSTTAR, Marne la Vallée,
Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
You can look at my Google Scholar profile or on my Researchgate profilePreprints
[1] Kolb, O., Costeseque, G., Goatin, G., Göttlich, S. (2018). Pareto-optimal coupling conditions for the Aw-Rascle-Zhang traffic flow model at junctions, revised, 22 pages.Journal Articles
[1] Costeseque, G., Lebacque, J.P., (2014). A variational formulation for higher order macroscopic traffic flow models: numerical investigation, Transportation Research part B: Methodological, 70, 112-133.[2] Costeseque, G., Lebacque, J.P., (2014). Discussion about traffic junction modelling: conservation laws VS Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Discrete Cont. Dyn. Syst. S, 7 (3), 411-433.
[3] Costeseque, G., Lebacque, J.P., Monneau, R., (2015). A convergent scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi equations on a junction: application to traffic, Numerische Mathematik, 129 (3), 405-447.
[4] Laval, J. A., Costeseque, G., Chilukuri, B.R., (2016). The impact of source terms in the variational representation of traffic flow, Transportation Research part B: Methodological, 94, 204-216.
[5] Tordeux, A., Costeseque, G., Herty, M., Seyfried, A., (2018). From traffic and pedestrian follow-the-leader models with reaction time to first order convection-diffusion flow models, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 78, 63-79.
Conference Proceedings
[1] Costeseque, G., Lebacque, J.P., (2012). Intersection modeling using a convergent scheme based on Hamilton-Jacobi equation, Proceedings of 15th EWGT, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Volume 54, 736-748.[2] Costeseque, G., Lebacque, J.P., (2014). Multi-anticipative car-following behaviour: macroscopic modeling, Proceedings of the Traffic and Granular Flow'13 conference (TGF'13), Julich, Germany.
[3] Costeseque, G., Lebacque, J.P., Khelifi, A., (2015). Lagrangian GSOM traffic flow models on junctions, Proceedings of the 8th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria.
[4] Costeseque, G., Duret, A., (2016). Mesoscopic multiclass traffic flow modeling on multi-lane sections, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting (2016), Washington DC, USA.
[5] Canepa, E.S., Costeseque, G., Claudel, C.G., (2016). A queue estimation method aware of bounded acceleration: application to arterials, Proceedings of the TRISTAN conference (2016), Aruba, the Netherlands.
[6] Laurent-Brouty, N., Costeseque, G., Goatin, G. (2018). A coupled PDE-ODE model for bounded acceleration in macroscopic traffic flow models, 15th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems (CTS 2018), Savona, Italy.
Book Chapters
[1] Costeseque, G., (2013). Modélisation et simulation dans le contexte du trafic routier, In F. Varenne et M. Silberstein Eds, Modéliser & simuler. Epistémologies et pratiques de la modélisation et de la simulation, Editions Matériologiques. (+)[2] Costeseque, G., (2017). A Panorama on Macroscopic Hamiltonian Models, In J.P. Aubin et A. Désilles, Traffic Networks as Information Systems: A viability Approach. Springer-Verlag. (+)
[1] Costeseque, G., (2011). Modélisation du trafic routier : passage du microscopique au macroscopique, Master Thesis, ED MEGA, Université Lyon.[2] Costeseque, G., (2014). Contribution to road traffic flow modeling on networks thanks to Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Ph.D. Thesis, ED MSTIC, Université ParisEst.